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Source code to support 2022 CANOPIE HPC Workshop paper


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CANOPIE-HPC 2022: A separated model for running rootless, unprivileged PMIx-enabled HPC applications in Kubernetes

The software in this repository pairs with the CANOPIE-HPC 2022 workshop paper:

  • "A separated model for running rootless, unprivileged PMIx-enabled HPC applications in Kubernetes"

Demonstration from the paper

Build the images:

export IMAGE_TAG_NAME="latest"

# if you are using Docker instead of Podman
#export IMAGE_BUILD_CMD="docker build"
#export IMAGE_PUSH_CMD="docker push"

make images
make push-images

Set your context to the soon to be created kube-pmix namespace:

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kube-pmix

Deploy the virtual cluster:

Deploy the cluster:

make deploy-ssh-with-podman-unpriv

Login to the cluster:

make login-ssh-with-podman-unpriv

Run the MPI Example

Within the virtual cluster run:

export MPI_IMAGE='MYREPO/k8s-mpi'

podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE
prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ /opt/hpc/examples/bin/init_finalize

Run the NAS Example

Within the virtual cluster run:

export MPI_IMAGE='MYREPO/k8s-nas'

podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE
prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ \

Run the Gromacs Example

Within the virtual cluster run:

export MPI_IMAGE='MYREPO/k8s-gromacs'

podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE
prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ \
    /opt/hpc/local/gromacs/bin/gmx_mpi mdrun -s \
    /opt/hpc/local/gromacs/examples/benchMEM/benchMEM.tpr -nsteps 10

Shutdown the virtual cluster:

Deploy the cluster:

make undeploy-ssh-with-podman-unpriv


Kubernetes setup

git clone -b ppc64le-support
cd fuse-device-plugin

make all

make deploy

Then verify that each of the nodes in the cluster has an allocatable system resource labeled as:    5k

The virtual clusters that run podman without the --privileged flag will rely on this DaemonSet.

Build the images

The IMAGE_REGISTRY envar defines the image registry that you will be using for your images.

make images
make push-images


  • IMAGE_BASE_RHEL : envar that defines the base RHEL image (e.g., UBI 8)
    • k8s-waitfor : Wait-for utility container for K8s Jobs
    • k8s-pmix-base : OpenPMIx and dependencies (no ssh)
      • k8s-runtime : PMIx Runtime (PRRTE) and dependencies (ssh, kubectl)
        • k8s-runtime-with-podman : PMIx Runtime (above) with a rootless Podman setup
        • k8s-mpi-with-runtime : Open MPI main with a PMIx Runtime
          • k8s-nas-with-runtime : NAS Parallel Benchmark with a PMIx Runtime
          • k8s-gromacs-with-runtime : Gromacs with a PMIx Runtime
      • k8s-mpi : Open MPI main without a PMIx Runtime
        • k8s-nas : NAS Parallel Benchmark
        • k8s-gromacs : Gromacs
flowchart TB;
    subgraph runtime["Containers with Runtimes"]
    c2["runtime"] == FROM for ==> c4["runtime-with-podman"]
    c2 == FROM for ===> c5["mpi-with-runtime"]
    c5 == FROM for ==> nasr["nas-with-runtime"]
    c5 == FROM for ==> gror["gromacs-with-runtime"]
    c0["IMAGE_BASE_RHEL"] == FROM for ==> cw["waitfor"]
    c0["IMAGE_BASE_RHEL"] == FROM for ==> c1["pmix-base"]
    c1 == FROM for ==> c2
    c1 == FROM for ==> c3["mpi"]
    c3 == FROM for ==> nas["nas"]
    c3 == FROM for ==> gro["gromacs"]
    c3 -. stage for .-> c5["mpi-with-runtime"]

Virtual Clusters

The kustomize tool is used to define a "virtual cluster" environment in Kubernetes. The virtual cluster is composed of the following Kubernetes objects:

  • Namespace : A context to run the cluster.
  • ServiceAccount : RBAC authority.
  • ClusterRole : RBAC authority.
  • ClusterRoleBinding : RBAC authority connecting the ClusterRole and the ServiceAccount to the Namespace.
  • Service : Headless service to provide DNS to the virtual cluster.
  • StatefulSet : A set of Pods representing compute nodes in the virtual cluster.
  • Job : A Pod representing a login node in the virtual cluster.

For all of these commands we assume that you are working in the kube-pmix namespace (which is automatically created), and have enough access to Kubernetes to create the objects listed above.

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=kube-pmix

prterun vs prun

In the examples we will often use prterun which is similar to mpirun/mpiexec in that it starts up a daemon on each compute node then launches the application. This is helpful for a one-off launch.

The PRRTE runtime also has a persistent mode that separates the launching/terminating of the daemons from the application launch. This is helpful when you intend to launch a large number of jobs in the same cluster since you do not pay the cost of starting the daemons for each job.

In the examples that use prterun you can replace it with prun if you have the prte daemon running.

Start the PRRTE persistent daemon

unset PRTE_MCA_schizo_proxy
prte --daemonize

Run a job

prun hostname

Terminate the PRRTE persistent daemon


Traditional MPI with ssh

Traditional mode: Virtual cluster with SSH daemons to move between nodes

A virtual cluster will use the k8s-mpi-with-runtime image in a virtual cluster connected via SSH daemons. The MPI container includes the runtime environment and the SSH setup.

Launch the cluster

make deploy-ssh-with-mpi

Login to the cluster -- this will wait for the cluster to come online and then drop you into a shell in the login node (Job):

make login-ssh-with-mpi

Run an parallel job in the cluster

First try to run hostname to make sure the runtime is using all of the compute nodes (Statefulset):

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-5bvmj ~]$ prterun --map-by ppr:2:node hostname

Next try to run a simple MPI program (init_finalize) to confirm that the processes are wiring up correctly for MPI:

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-5bvmj ~]$ prterun --personality ompi --map-by ppr:2:node /opt/hpc/examples/bin/init_finalize
 0) Size: 10 (Running)
 0) NP  :        10 procs [   5 Nodes at   2 PPN]
 0) Init:     0.015 sec
 0) Barr:     0.020 sec
 0) Fin :     0.052 sec
 0) I+F :     0.067 sec
 0) Time:     0.087 sec

When you are finished just exit the shell. As long as the virtual cluster is running you can logout and login as much as you need to.

Since the SSH daemon is running on all of the compute nodes (note that it is not running on the login node) you will need the domain:

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-5bvmj ~]$ ssh hpc-cn-0.hpc-cluster.kube-pmix
[mpiuser@hpc-cn-0 ~]$ hostname
[mpiuser@hpc-cn-0 ~]$

Shutdown the cluster

make undeploy-ssh-with-mpi

Traditional MPI with kubectl

Traditional mode: Virtual cluster with kubectl to move between nodes

A virtual cluster will use the k8s-mpi-with-runtime image in a virtual cluster. In this mode no SSH daemons are used. Instead the kubectl exec command is used as an SSH proxy to move between nodes. The MPI container includes the runtime environment and the kubectl setup.

The instructions are the same as the "ssh-with-mpi" just change the "ssh" to "kubectl" in the make commands.

No SSH daemon is running on the nodes, as seen below.

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-4c55k ~]$ ssh hpc-cn-0.hpc-cluster.kube-pmix
ssh: connect to host hpc-cn-0.hpc-cluster.kube-pmix port 22: Connection refused

The runtime uses a script around kubectl exec to serve as an SSH proxy for the runtime launching mechanism to start processes on the remote nodes (note that we are using the domain name but the "pod name"):

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-4c55k ~]$ /opt/k8s/bin/ hpc-cn-0 hostname

Podman environment with ssh for MPI containers

Container mode - Podman: Virtual cluster with SSH daemons to move between nodes and Podman installed. MPI is a separate container.

A virtual cluster will use the k8s-runtime-with-podman image in a virtual cluster connected via SSH daemons. The container does not include the MPI application. It only includes the runtime environment, podman setup, and the SSH setup.

We will use the k8s-mpi container inside this virtual cluster to launch the MPI application

Launch the cluster

make deploy-ssh-with-podman

Login to the cluster -- this will wait for the cluster to come online and then drop you into a shell in the login node (Job):

make login-ssh-with-podman

Run an parallel job in the cluster

First try to run hostname to make sure the runtime is using all of the compute nodes (Statefulset):

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-2gzzq ~]$ prterun --map-by ppr:2:node hostname

Next pull your MPI container onto the hosts. This will happen automatically, but doing this first will speed up the application launches later. The MPI_IMAGE envar should point to a container registry accessible from the virtual cluster.

export MPI_IMAGE='<my-user>/k8s-mpi'

podman pull $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

Next try to run a simple MPI program (init_finalize). The MPI application is inside a container so we need the runtime to launch it for us. A /opt/hpc/local/bin/ script is used to set all of the necessary container runtime options so that the per-process container can interact freely with the other container instances on the same node (e.g., for shared memory).

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-2gzzq ~]$ prterun --personality ompi --map-by ppr:2:node /opt/hpc/examples/bin/init_finalize
prterun was unable to launch the specified application as it lacked
permissions to execute an executable:

Executable: /opt/hpc/examples/bin/init_finalize
Node: hpc-cn-3

while attempting to start process rank 6.
[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-2gzzq ~]$ prterun --personality ompi --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ /opt/hpc/examples/bin/init_finalize
 0) Size: 10 (Running)
 0) NP  :        10 procs [   5 Nodes at   2 PPN]
 0) Init:     0.020 sec
 0) Barr:     0.011 sec
 0) Fin :     1.010 sec
 0) I+F :     1.030 sec
 0) Time:     1.041 sec

When you are finished just exit the shell. As long as the virtual cluster is running you can logout and login as much as you need to.

Shutdown the cluster

make undeploy-ssh-with-podman

Podman environment with kubectl for MPI containers

Container mode - Podman: Virtual cluster with kubectl to move between nodes and Podman installed. MPI is a separate container.

A virtual cluster will use the k8s-runtime-with-podman image in a virtual cluster connected via kubectl. The container does not include the MPI application. It only includes the runtime environment, and podman setup.

We will use the k8s-mpi container inside this virtual cluster to launch the MPI application

The instructions are the same as the "ssh-with-podman" just change the "ssh" to "kubectl" in the make commands.

Podman environment without privileged flag with ssh for MPI containers

Container mode - Podman: Virtual cluster with ssh to move between nodes and Podman installed. MPI is a separate container. The difference between

A virtual cluster will use the k8s-runtime-with-podman-unpriv image in a virtual cluster connected via ssh. The container does not include the MPI application. It only includes the runtime environment, and podman setup.

We will use the k8s-mpi container inside this virtual cluster to launch the MPI application

The instructions are the same as the "ssh-with-podman" excpet use the the suffix -unpriv on the make targets (e.g., use deploy-ssh-with-podman-unpriv instead of deploy-ssh-with-podman).

Podman environment without privileged flag with kubectl for MPI containers

Container mode - Podman: Virtual cluster with kubectl to move between nodes and Podman installed. MPI is a separate container.

A virtual cluster will use the k8s-runtime-with-podman-unpriv image in a virtual cluster connected via kubectl. The container does not include the MPI application. It only includes the runtime environment, and podman setup.

We will use the k8s-mpi container inside this virtual cluster to launch the MPI application

The instructions are the same as the "ssh-with-podman" just change the "ssh" to "kubectl" in the make commands, and use the the suffix -unpriv on the make targets (e.g., use deploy-ssh-with-podman-unpriv instead of deploy-ssh-with-podman).

NAS MPI Application

This container is built from the k8s-mpi container image. It adds the NAS Parallel Benchmarks.

To build the image run:

make image-nas
make push-nas

These steps will work in any of the non-traditional technique virtual clusters (e.g., "Podman environment with ssh for MPI containers" ) above. So start and login to one of those virtual clusters then follow the steps below.

Pull your images to the compute nodes

export MPI_IMAGE='<my-user>/k8s-nas'
podman pull $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

Run one of the benchmarks: ep.A.x

prterun --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ /opt/hpc/local/nas/bin/ep.A.x

Gromacs MPI Application

This container is built from the k8s-mpi container image. It adds Gromacs and a simple benchmark benchMem.

To build the image run:

make image-gromacs
make push-gromacs

These steps will work in any of the non-traditional technique virtual clusters (e.g., "Podman environment with ssh for MPI containers" ) above. So start and login to one of those virtual clusters then follow the steps below.

Pull your images to the compute nodes

export MPI_IMAGE='<my-user>/k8s-gromacs'
podman pull $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

Run the benchMem benchmark

prterun --personality ompi --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ /opt/hpc/local/gromacs/bin/gmx_mpi mdrun -s /opt/hpc/local/gromacs/examples/benchMEM/benchMEM.tpr -nsteps 1000 -ntomp 4


Can I run the launcher from inside my MPI-only container?

In most of the examples we use the prterun launcher from the "runtime" container to launch the "application" container. If your application container contains a script that needs to do work before and after calling the launcher you have two options:

  1. Separate the 'before' and 'after' steps into different scripts to be called before and after calling prterun. This can be cumbersome as often these scripts set envars that needs to be carried across the command.
  2. Start the PRRTE daemons in the "runtime" environment, Inject the prun launcher into the application container such that it can talk to the PRRTE daemons outside of the application container.

These steps will work in any of the non-traditional technique virtual clusters (e.g., "Podman environment with ssh for MPI containers" ) above. So start and login to one of those virtual clusters then follow the steps below.

Pull your images to the compute nodes

export MPI_IMAGE='<my-user>/k8s-mpi'
podman pull $MPI_IMAGE

prterun --map-by ppr:1:node podman pull -q $MPI_IMAGE

Start the PRRTE persistent daemons

unset PRTE_MCA_schizo_proxy
prte --daemonize --report-uri /tmp/find-me.txt

export PMIX_SERVER_URI=$(cat /tmp/find-me.txt | head -n 1)

Inject the prun command from the outer "runtime" container

export CONTAINER_ARGS="--user 998:995 -v /opt/hpc/local/prrte:/opt/hpc/local/prrte"

Run your program

[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-x6v4t ~]$ /opt/hpc/local/bin/ prun --personality ompi hostname | sort | uniq -c
     20 hpc-cn-0
     20 hpc-cn-1
     20 hpc-cn-2
     20 hpc-cn-3
     20 hpc-cn-4
[mpiuser@hpc-cluster-login-x6v4t ~]$ /opt/hpc/local/bin/ prun --personality ompi --map-by ppr:2:node -x MPI_IMAGE /opt/hpc/local/bin/ /opt/hpc/examples/bin/init_finalize
 0) Size: 10 (Running)
 0) NP  :        10 procs [   5 Nodes at   2 PPN]
 0) Init:     0.370 sec
 0) Barr:     0.011 sec
 0) Fin :     0.055 sec
 0) I+F :     0.425 sec
 0) Time:     0.436 sec

The outer /opt/hpc/local/bin/ creates an application container on the login node which calls prun inside of the application container. Replace that with your script. prun then launches the application container (inner /opt/hpc/local/bin/ on each of the compute nodes in the virtual cluster.

With the persistent daemons the prun command does not incur the overhead of launching the daemons for every call. Instead it reuses the deployed daemons on each call to prun.

Termiante the PRRTE persistent daemons


Can I build my own PRRTE daemon launcher?

Do you have an idea for a non-ssh/non-kubectl launcher for the PRRTE daemons? We build something to help you explore this capability.

In PRRTE the daemon launch involves (at least) two components:

  • plm : "Process Launch Mechanism" This component launches the PRRTE daemons (prted) on the remote nodes using either the native launcher (e.g., srun for Slurm, blaunch API for LSF) or ssh/rsh for unmanaged enviornments.
  • ess : "Environment-Specific Services" This component defines some environment specific options depending on how the processes are launched (e.g., what is the rank of this process, ...).

As part of this project we created a new mecanism called k8sgo with a basic launcher to use as a template called (basic_launcher):

  • plm/k8sgo
  • ess/k8sgo
  • Basic launcher basic_launcher.c
    • This command takes the following arugments (provided by the plm/k8sgo component):
      • -q (optional) quiet diagnostic output messages.
      • -f HOSTFILE (required) an ordered list of host names to launch on. Created by the plm/k8sgo component
      • -- everything after this marker is prted launch commands
    • This command is fork/exec'ed by prterun and prte (but not prun) to launch the prted daemons.

Tell PRRTE to use your launcher script

export PRTE_MCA_plm_k8sgo_launch_script=/opt/hpc/bin/basic_launcher

# Optionally enable quiet mode
export PRTE_MCA_plm_k8sgo_launch_quiet=true

Launch your program (To confirm that your script is being used do not use PRTE_MCA_plm_k8sgo_launch_quiet while debugging and have your script print out some diagnostic information)

prterun --map-by ppr:2:node hostname

How do I check the log of the waitfor initContainer?

make get-waitfor-log

Which runs this command:

kubectl logs pod/$( kubectl get po | grep "cluster-login" | awk '{print $1;}') -c job-waiter


Source code to support 2022 CANOPIE HPC Workshop paper







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