The following steps must be done by the team lead or the Github master.
Replace the username of this repository by your team number. Use the following format TNN where NN is the two digits of your team number. For instance, T03 for team 3.
Add ALL members of your team to this repository. For it to count, they must ACCEPT the invite. The team lead or/and Github master are the only members of the team that can have admin permissions for this repository.
Fill this table out with all your team's members info. Note that roles are only representative of the main responsability that students will perform in their teams. However, every students MUST contribute to ALL the aspects of the project and docs for this course.
Student | Student Full Name | Student SFSU Email | GitHub Username | Discord Username | Role |
#1 | Juan Estrada | jestradazuluaga@sfsu.edu | jjestrada2 | juanjosee | Team-lead |
#2 | Areeb Abbasi | aabbasi@sfsu.edu | areeeeb | _xertz | Backend-lead |
#3 | Cole Chiodo | cchiodo@sfsu.edu | colechiodo | colechiodo | Docs-editor |
#4 | Jaycee Lorenzo | jlorenzo3@sfsu.edu | jclorenz0 | __jaycee | Frontend-lead |
#5 | Martin Pham | mpham8@sfsu.edu | mar10fam | marnoki | Github-master |
#6 | Kotaro Iwanaga | kiwanaga@sfsu.edu | iamkotaaa | kotaro8448 | Database-admin |
All the team's members MUST sign the follwing team's contract. Missing signatures from students will result in these students being dropped from the course.
Please when ready, add your application's name and URL or IP to the following table. It is the responsibility of the team lead to keep this up to date during the whole semester because we'll use this URL to test all your prototypes and final version of your project.
Name of the Project | URL of the Project |