A replacement for /sbin/fan_ctrl.sh, based on this post from the OpenWRT wrt1900ac thread.
####To use it:
- Download the new fan controller, save it to /etc/, and make it executable.
wget --no-check-certificate https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jjack/openwrt-fancontrol/master/fancontrol.sh -O /etc/fancontrol.sh
chmod +x fancontrol.sh
- Test it to make sure that it runs correctly.
/etc/fancontrol.sh verbose
- Let it run in the background to keep your router cool.
/etc/fancontrol.sh &
####Disable the orginal fan controller.
- Remove or comment out this line from /etc/crontabs/root (In LuCI, it's System > Scheduled Tasks)
*/5 * * * * /sbin/fan_ctrl.sh
- Have this run on boot.
- Add this to /etc/rc.local (In LuCI, it's System > Startup)
/etc/fancontrol.sh &