Forked from carlos fish dotfiles dotfiles. This is my personal fork with some minor tweaks/changes.
First, make sure you have all those things installed:
: to clone the repocurl
: to download some stufftar
: to extract downloaded stufffish
: the shellsudo
: some configs may need that
Setup dependencies first.
$ brew install fish bat git-delta dog exa fd fzf gh grc kubectx ripgrep starship tmux sketchybar aerospace borders
Then, run these steps:
$ git clone ~/.dotfiles
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ ./script/
If you have any problems with fish not recognizing commands/wrong path variable check
To update, you just need to git pull
and run the bootstrap script again:
$ cd ~/.dotfiles
$ git pull origin master
$ ./script/
Reverting is not totally automated, but it pretty much consists in removing the fish config and dotfiles folder, as well as moving back some config files.
Remove the folders:
$ rm -rf ~/.dotfiles ~/.config/fish
Some config files were changed, you can find them using fd
$ fd -e backup -e local -H -E Library -d 3 .
And then manually inspect/revert them.
Install default values for quality of life improvements for settings by running:
And logging out and in again or restart.
Python env setup:
Install and set it on fish with conda init fish
Theme is Dracula and font is Inconsolata Nerd Font.