This is a private project to make Super Mario Agent.
It consists of training an agent to clear Super Mario Bros with deep reinforcement learning methods.
Here are my super mario agents with dueling network. ( trained 7,000 epoch )
git clone
cd Super-Mario-RL
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install openAI gym
pip install 'gym'
- Install Pytorch
pip install torch torchvision
- Install nes-py
pip install nes-py
- Install gym-super-mario-bros
pip install gym-super-mario-bros
- Train with dueling dqn.
- score.p : save total score every 50 episode
- *.pth : save weight of q, q_target every 50 training
- (Now, pre-trained agent has been corruptedš¢)
- Test and render trained agent.
- To test our agent, we need 'q_target.pth' that generated at the training step.
- Or you can use your own agent.
python your_own_agent.pth