This library enables to control 4 actuators in an asynchronous manner through FreeRTOS
1. RTOS Framework
#inclde <Arduino_FreeRTOS.h>
#include <semphr.h>
//1) Pre-define task main function
void vTaskMain(void *pvParameters);
void setup() {
//2) Create Real-time Task
xTaskCreate(vTaskMain, NULL, configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 1, NULL);
//3) Start RTOS
//4) Define task main function
void vTaskMain(void *pvParameters) {
//5) Initialization
while (true) {
//6) Task Process
//Arduino ino should have this loop(), even though this script doesn't use this part.
void loop() {}
2. Hardware
Main Hardware
1) 1 MCU
2) Motor Driver
3) RS-485
4) Servo
- Arduino Mega
- RS-485, Half-duplex RS-485 driver IC, MAX485, 250000 baudrate
- Four Stepper Motor, Syringe pump
- Stepper position is set based on optical homing sensor and PWM step during moving
- DRV8711 Texas Instruments Motor Driver Module (Polulu)
- Support microstepping
- Servo library