As the default flutter exporter does not properly allow for themes, this exporter fixes this issue as well as preparing custom export formats easily.
To properly use the supernova data, the supernova sdk was used.
The ./src/index.ts
takes care of fetching the data and applying the templates.
It hands over data processing to the specialized handlers in ./src/content/
To handle all references, ./src/content/util.ts
exposes a reference helper.
A specialized handler takes care of extracting the relevant information from
the supernova tokens and mapping them to the template data.
This way, all files written can be controlled in ./src/index.ts
For templating, the eta.js engine was used.
Here are the key features of this exporter:
themeless color export as static members with support for shadessemantic
themed color scheme as a theme extensionshadows
exported as box shadows- easy constant export template, that powered e.g.
exported as theme extension
This is a shortened version of the generated primitives_colors.dart
import 'package:sev_design_tokens/src/colors/primitive_colors.dart';
/* This file was generated by Supernova, don't change by hand */
class OffenburgColorScheme extends ThemeExtension<OffenburgColorScheme> {
const OffenburgColorScheme({
required this.brandVibrantRed,
// more fields here
factory OffenburgColorScheme.light() => OffenburgColorScheme(
brandVibrantRed: ColorPrimitives.colorVibrantRed.shade90,
// more fields here
final Color brandVibrantRed;
// more fields here
ThemeExtension<OffenburgColorScheme> copyWith({
Color? brandVibrantRed,
// more fields here
}) {
return OffenburgColorScheme(
brandVibrantRed: brandVibrantRed ?? this.brandVibrantRed,
// more fields here
ThemeExtension<OffenburgColorScheme> lerp(
OffenburgColorScheme? other,
double t,
) {
if (other is! OffenburgColorScheme) {
return this;
return OffenburgColorScheme(
brandVibrantRed: Color.lerp(
// more fields here
static OffenburgColorScheme of(BuildContext context) =>
Actually non yet, but this is here for reference if we decide to add them
- generateDisclaimer: Toggle to show a disclaimer indicating the file is auto-generated.
To run this project locally, you have two options:
- supernova cli
- vscode plugin
In both cases, get access to the supernova token first. For generation of these, look at supernova tokens.
First make sure, you have the latest changes by running
npm run build
# or start it in watch mdoe
npm run dev
to update the ./dist/build.js
with your latest changes.
Make sure, the $SUPERNOVA_TOKEN
is available and valid. Now you can run
npm run local -- --apiKey=$SUPERNOVA_TOKEN
# or if you want to fully customise the command
npx supernova run-local-exporter --designSystemId=103465 --exporterDir=. --outputDir=export --apiKey=$SUPERNOVA_TOKEN --allowOverridingOutput
You can find the output in the ./export
folder locally.
Run Supernova: Supernova Log In
, enter the token when asked, all the other options can be default values.
Afterwards, you will see the supernova context added to the explorer view.
You can now just run the latest local build by pressing the play button.