This is a simple, unpublished FIREFOX extension to replicate the "cache busting" feature of the HubSpot Developer Extension for Google Chrome.
The only functionality this extension has is to reload the page with a hsCacheBust
query parameter, forcing HubSpot to serve an uncached version on the page. This is useful for development as sometimes the HubSpot cache can be very over-aggressive.
Because it is unpublished, you will need to side-load the extension into your firefox browser (and reload it every time you restart the browser). See instructions below.
Clone the repository to your machine.
In firefox, go to the "This Firefox" Page.
Under "Temporary Extensions", click the "Load Temporary Add-on" button and select the manifest.json
file in your local version of this repository.
The addon Icon should appear in your browser addon toolbar.
To use the extension, simply click on the icon. The page will be reloaded with a ?hsCacheBust=1234
parameter (with random number).