AlvisNLP/ML is a configurable NLP batch processing pipeline. It annotates text documents for the semantic annotation of textual documents. It integrates Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools for sentence and word segmentation, named-entity recognition, term analysis, semantic typing and relation extraction. These tools rely on resources such as terminologies or ontologies for the adaptation to the application domain. Alvis NLP/ML contains several tools for (semi)-automatic acquisition of these resources, using Machine Learning (ML) techniques. New components can be easily integrated into the pipeline. Part of this work has been funded by the European project Alvis and the French project Quaero.
AlvisNLP/ML is held by the Bibliome group at Inra Jouy-en-Josas, France
- Nédellec et al., Handbook on Ontology, 2009.
- Ba et Bossy, Interoperability of corpus processing work-flow engines: the case of AlvisNLP/ML in OpenMinTeD, 2016
Please contact Robert Bossy if you have any questions.
This file contains instructions to download, compile AlvisNLP/ML, install the command-line interface, and deploy the web application.
The instructions assume you are running on a Unix system with a shell.
If you are running on Windows, then check the instructions in the
- git
- Java >= 8
- Maven >= 3.0.5
git clone
cd alvisnlp
mvn clean install
We recommend that you set default parameter values for your host. These parameter values avoid to set parameters in plans for external tools.
cp share/default-param-values.xml.template share/default-param-values.xml
This will create a standard default parameter file in share/default-param-values.xml
Edit this file and fill parameter values appropriate for your host.
If you wish your installed AlvisNLP/ML to run with default command-line options, then you put them on the file named default-options.txt
in the share
Once installed, the options will be automatically prepended to each invocation of alvisnlp
In the share
directory, there is an example file named default-options.txt.template
./ DIR
is the base directory of your AlvisNLP/ML install.
This directory must exist.
Launch this script as root
if necessary.
DIR/bin/alvisnlp -help
is the base directory of your AlvisNLP/ML install. You migh also add the DIR/bin
sub-directory to your PATH
environment variable.
export PATH=DIR/bin:$PATH
Deploy the the alvisnlp-rest/target/alvisnlp-rest.war
file in your favourite application container.
For instance, on glassfish, run:
asadmin deploy --contextroot CONTEXT --name NAME alvisnlp-rest/target/alvisnlp-rest.war
Set the following context parameters:
Variable | Description |
alvisnlp.url-base |
Absolute URL of the deployed AlvisNLP/ML application. It should usually be the URL of the container cocatenated with the application context root. |
alvisnlp.processing-dir |
Directory where the data for each run will be stored. |
alvisnlp.plan-dir |
Directory where exposed plans are found. |
alvisnlp.resource-dir |
Directory where to find resources used in plans. |
alvisnlp.executor-class |
Fully qualified name of the class that launches runs. Default: fr.inra.maiage.bibliome.alvisnlp.web.executor.ThreadExecutor , executes each run in a separate thread on the same server. |
You can quick-test the Web Service with the Jetty Maven Plugin:
mvn jetty:run-war
From a browser open the URL of the AlvisNLP/ML application.