open-gitdiff.vim opens git diff using quickfix, fzf, vim-quickui, ...
Require vim8+
Install using vim-plug
" optional dependencies
Plug 'junegunn/fzf'
Plug 'skywind3000/vim-quickui'
" command completion for :GitDiff2Paths
Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'jiangyinzuo/open-gitdiff.vim'
let g:open_gitdiff_exclude_patterns = ['\.pdf$', '\.jpg$', '\.png$']
let g:open_gitdiff_qf_nmaps = {'open': '<leader>df', 'next': '<leader>dn', 'prev': '<leader>dp'}
let command_def = 'command -nargs=* '
if v:version >= 901
" open_gitdiff#comp#Complete is implemented with vim9class
let command_def .= '-complete=custom,open_gitdiff#comp#Complete '
exe command_def . 'GitDiffAll call open_gitdiff#OpenAllDiffs(<f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'GitDiffThisTab call open_gitdiff#OpenDiff("tabnew", <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'GitDiffThis call open_gitdiff#OpenDiff("enew", <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'FZFGitDiffTab call open_gitdiff#select("tabnew", function("open_gitdiff#fzf#view"), <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'FZFGitDiff call open_gitdiff#select("enew", function("open_gitdiff#fzf#view"), <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'QuickUIGitDiffTab call open_gitdiff#select("tabnew", function("open_gitdiff#quickui#listbox#view"), <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'QuickUIGitDiff call open_gitdiff#select("enew", function("open_gitdiff#quickui#listbox#view"), <f-args>)'
exe command_def . 'QfGitDiff call open_gitdiff#select("enew", function("open_gitdiff#quickfix#view"), <f-args>)'
command -nargs=+ -complete=customlist,fugitive#LogComplete GitDiff2Paths call open_gitdiff#open_diff_by_path(<f-args>)
The above commands accept 0-N arguments, which are passed to git diff
command. <commit>
, <commit>..<commit>
or --cached
can be
used (see git-diff docs). The following <f-args>
are valid:
" Commands can be replaced to any command defined above.
:QuickUIGitDiffTab path/to/file
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~1 HEAD
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~1
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~1..
:QuickUIGitDiffTab HEAD~2..HEAD~1
:QuickUIGitDiffTab --staged
:QuickUIGitDiffTab --staged master
:QuickUIGitDiffTab master --cached
:QuickUIGitDiffTab master --cached -- path/to/file
You can customize git diff command with g:open_gitdiff_cmd
" default git diff command
let g:open_gitdiff_cmd = 'git diff --name-status -C'
" the following values are also valid
" let g:open_gitdiff_cmd = 'git diff --name-status'
" let g:open_gitdiff_cmd = 'git diff --name-only'
opens all git diffs.
opens the current file in new tab.
opens the current file in current window.
opens and diffs the two paths in current window.
lists git diff
in fzf window, then open the selected
diff in new tab.
lists git diff
in fzf window, then open the selected
diff in current window.
You can customize fzf window option with g:open_gitdiff_fzf_window
" default value
let g:open_gitdiff_fzf_window = { 'width': 0.8, 'height': 0.7 }
Enable fzf preview (require python3 in $PATH
" default value
let g:open_gitdiff_fzf_preview = 1
lists git diff
in vim-quickui listbox, then open the
selected diff in new tab.
lists git diff
in vim-quickui listbox, then open the
selected diff in current window.
lists git diff
in quickfix, then open the selected diff in
current window.
You can use g:open_gitdiff_qf_nmaps
to customize the keymaps in quickfix
window for opening git diffs.
In gitdiff buffer, :OpenFile
open the origin file and lcd to git rev-parse --show-toplevel
You can use :diffthis
after :OpenFileVsp
or :OpenFileTop
You can define your own viewer function with open_gitdiff#open_diff
The viewer function has 3 parameters:
function MyViewer(gitcmd, arglist, prompt)
is a string that stores the git diff
command, may be 'git diff --name-status -C HEAD~1 HEAD'
is a list that stores the arguments of git diff
command, may be ['HEAD~1', 'HEAD']
is a string that can be used as a title. The possible value may be'HEAD~1..HEAD'
See autoload/open_gitdiff/fzf.vim
, autoload/open_gitdiff/quickfix.vim
and autoload/open_gitdiff/quickui/listbox.vim
as examples.
parses the {line} and opens git diff.
should be a output line of git diff --name-status
or git diff --name-only
Issues and pull requests for new viewer are welcomed.
:h open-gitdiff-vim