James Morgan (jhmmorgan)
You work for an early-stage startup in Germany. Your team has been working on a redesign of the landing page. The team believes a new design will increase the number of people who click through and join your site.
They have been testing the changes for a few weeks and now they want to measure the impact of the change and need you to determine if the increase can be due to random chance or if it is statistically significant.
The team have created a new landing page (called a treatment) and new images. When customers land on the website, they will randomly be assigned * Either the new or old landing page * Either the new or old set of images
We therefore have 4 groups of customers
User group A: saw the new version of the landing page, with new set of images.
User group B: saw the new version of the landing page, with old set of images.
User group C: saw the old version of the landing page, with new set of images.
Control user group: saw the old version of both landing page and set of images.
Following several weeks of testing, we can easily identify, with confidence that to get the highest conversion, we should use: * The new treatment (the new version of the landing page); and * The old set of images
These were the customers in Group B. There is an approx 1.3% uplift in conversion in this group, over the control group.
This has been confirmed through multiple methods of testing.
Group A The chance of Group A customers having a better conversion than the control group is 93.6% (through Bayesian testing), however we can't rule out that the increased conversion was due to random chance (Frequentest testing).
Group B The chance of Group B customers having a better conversion than the control group is 99.7% (through Bayesian testing), and it's significantly unlikely that the increased conversion is due to random chance (Frequentest testing).
Group C The chance of Group C customers having a better conversion than the control group is 89.6% (through Bayesian testing), however like Group A, we can't rule out that the increased conversion was due to random chance (Frequentest testing). Expected loss of 0.000222 is below our loss threshold.
Please read the Jupyter notebook to understanding how we've come to this conclusion.