This is my thesis! Yes that's right, all of it. Not just the written document, but also all of the code.
The part everyone would actually want to see is, predictably, /thesis.pdf. It's pretty awesome. No, really. Read it! Gogogo.
Want a tl;dr? Then check out /papers/poster/poster.pdf, a revised version of the poster I made for AGU Fall 2010!
However, for the graduate student at UAF interested in extending what I've done, you may find some files of interest here. In particular, /fea_analysis contains the COMSOL code (though I would recommend rewriting the simulation using COMSOL 4.0), /analytical_solution contains code for numerically evaluating solutions based on an analytical approach (so yes, "analytical solution" is a misnomer), and /measurements contains all the code I wrote for doing laboratory and in-situ measurements, plus data. /papers has some small papers and other such documents I've written (including a sweet poster), and /thesis is the source code for the thesis itself. Note that, in order to compile the thesis you will need version 5.0 of Finally, /convergence_study contains some material from when I informally analyzed the convergence properties of the model (In retrospect, I should've tried to coarsen the mesh as well as refining it), and /extras has a few odds and ends that didn't really make sense anywhere else.
--Joshua Holbrook May 2011