Reports view for access control system NVP Bolid "Orion Pro"
Set environment variable BOLID_DSN:
export BOLID_DSN="server=;user id=username;password=passwd;database=base"
Install Gorion If you have Go installed:
go get && go install
Otherwise, please see Go install.
- Lists of
- companies
- all
- by name
- workers
- all
- by company name
- doors
- events types
- companies
- Events
- all
- only denied
- by door
- by worker last name
- date range
- Workers worked time
- all
- by company
- by worker last name
- date range
- Workers
- add
- delete
- disable card
- enable card
$ gorion --help
_____ _
| __ \ (_)
| | \/ ___ _ __ _ ___ _ __
| | __ / _ \| '__| |/ _ \| '_ \
| |_\ \ (_) | | | | (_) | | | |
\____/\___/|_| |_|\___/|_| |_|
Reports view for access control system NVP Bolid 'Orion Pro'
gorion [command]
Available Commands:
add add worker to access control system
delete delete workers from access control system
disable disable worker card
enable enable worker card
events Displays a list of events depending on entered flags
help Help about any command
hours Displays workers worked time
list Get list of company, doors, workers
version show application version
-h, --help help for gorion
Use "gorion [command] --help" for more information about a command.
MIT © 2018 jezman