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dotnetconfig Cookbook

##NET configuration file editor. Provides functionality to update a .NET app / web configuration file with values from a chef run.

WORK IN PROGRESS - Currently in Alpha, feel free to test it out but don't use in production until this message is removed or we have hit V1.0.0.

##Open the file for editing, non locking

documentPath = 'C:\\Config\\' + 'app.config'
document = config_getxml(documentPath)

##Set app settings within the config file< Arguments: Document: Pass document which was fetched from config_getxml SettingName: The setting to update SettingValue: The new value to apply to the configuration

config_set_app_setting(document, 'fix-gateways', 'Replaced')
config_set_app_setting(document, 'service-installer-service-name', 'Edit2')
config_set_app_setting(document, 'service-installer-service-description', 'Edit3')
config_set_app_setting(document, 'log-fixmessage-to-db', 'Edit4')
config_set_app_setting(document, 'default-version', 'Edit5')
config_set_app_setting(document, 'fix-service-test-file-name', 'Edit6')

##Setting custom elements Set an element's content using an xPath query, Example:


This block would find the first occurrence of the 'custom' element and set the content of each of its elements to a new value.

config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/custom/user', 'Edit8')
config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/custom/password', 'Edit9')
config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/custom/host', 'Edit10')
config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/custom/port', 'Edit11')

##Setting the content of a specific element using xPath This would find the first log4net appender called MyAppender

config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/log4net/appender[@name="MyAppender"]/hostName', 'NewValue1')
config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/log4net/appender[@name="MyAppender"]/userName', 'NewValue2')
config_set_element_content(document, '//configuration/log4net/appender[@name="MyAppender"]/password', 'NewValue3')

##Connection strings

Set the the entire content of a connection string

config_set_connection_string(document, 'Database1', 'Database=Partial;User Id=Replacement;Password=PasswordChanged;CommandTimeout=30;MinPoolSize=0')

Set an individual property within a connection string

config_set_connection_string_property(document, 'Database2', 'password', 'NewValue123654')

Saving changes made to the file

config_writexml(document, outputPath)


DotNetConfig for Chef






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