transmit data to aio feed via esp8266
Test ESP8266 acces to AIO before connection to feather_m0_express
Create Feed on AIO: example: myfeed configure ESP8266 to connect you WiFi -- see as an exmaple
edit aio.uart to set your AIO username ans AIO_KEY
copy to esp8266 as main,py ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 put main,py
convert to urequests.mpy for your verision of CircuitPython Get mpy-cross from CircuitPython release link:
copy urequests.mpy to esp8266 ampy -p /dev/ttyUSB0 put main,py
connect to esp8266 and open terminal session to REPL then reboot (Conotrol-D) to restart
enter myfeed 1234
open a browser toyour AIO "feeds" page and confirm taht the feed has updated.
Prepare feather_m0_express
connect USB cable to feathe_m0_express - verify that CIRCUITPY is mounted. open a terminal session to the REPL
copy to the feather_mo_express CIRCUITPY drive.
For the am2320 demo: install am2320 drive -- it is part of the Adafruit_CircuitPython_Library_Bundle. The AM2320 uses I2C so you will also need the AdaFurit_Bus_Device Library - also in the "Bundle"
copy to the feather_m0_express CIRCUITPY Drive
Disconnect power from both boards:
Connect featther_mo_espress -> esp8266: GND -> GND TX -> RX RX -> TX USB -> USB - only connect your USB cable to the feather_m0_express - it will power both both boards
other power options are possible,
Basic communication test:
in REPL enter: import esp8266comm
to send a vaule to the feed enter: myfeed 4321
to reset the esp8266 enter: reset
enter Control-C to exit theprogram on mthe feather m0_express
To send data from the am2320 - you need to creat a feed called uarttest on AIO - or modify the code to use your feedname.
Connect to the feather_m0_express REPL or reboot if connected (control-D) and enter: import am2320_uart
your feed should once per minute. Enter Control-C to exit