- algebra
Function | Description |
compute_adjacency_matrix.m | - compute adjacency matrix |
compute_bd.m | - find boundary |
compute_connectivity.m | - find connectivity information |
compute_dual_graph.m | - compute dual graph of mesh |
compute_edge.m | - find edges |
compute_face_ring.m | - find face ring of all face |
compute_halfedge.m | - find halfedges |
compute_vertex_face_ring.m | - find face ring of all vertex |
compute_vertex_ring.m | - find vertex ring of all/any vertex |
face_area.m | - compute all face area |
generalized_laplacian.m | - discretize generalized laplace operator on mesh |
gradient.m | - discretize gradient operator on mesh |
laplace_beltrami.m | - discretize Laplace Beltrami on mesh |
vertex_area.m | - compute vertex area |
- graphics
Function | Description |
plot_mesh.m | - plot mesh |
plot_path.m | - plot path on mesh |
- io
Function | Description |
read_obj.m | - read mesh data from obj file |
read_off.m | - read mesh data from off file |
read_ply.m | - read mesh data from ply file |
write_obj.m | - write mesh data to obj file |
write_off.m | - write mesh data to off file |
write_ply.m | - write mesh data to ply file |
- misc
Function | Description |
sparse_to_csc.m | - convert sparse matrix to csc format |
sparse_to_csr.m | - convert sparse matrix to csr format |
csc_to_sparse.m | - convert csc format to sparse matrix |
csr_to_sparse.m | - convert csr format to sparse matrix |
- parameterization
Function | Description |
disk_harmonic_map.m | - harmonic map from surface to unit disk |
rect_harmonic_map.m | - harmonic map from surface to unit square |
spherical_conformal_map.m | - spherical conformal map from genus zero surface to unit sphere |
- topology
Function | Description |
clean_mesh.m | - clean mesh by removing unreferenced vertex |
compute_greedy_homotopy_basis.m | - compute a basis of homotopy group |
compute_homology_basis.m | - compute a basis of homology group |
cut_graph.m | - find a cut graph of mesh |
dijkstra.m | - dijkstra shortest path algorithm |
minimum_spanning_tree.m | - Prim's minimum spanning tree algorithm |
slice_mesh.m | - slice mesh open along a collection of edges |
- tutorial
Function | Description |
tutorial0 | - a quick start tutorial |
tutorial1 | - a tutorial brings you go through the package |
tutorial2 | - a tutorial brings you go through the advanced functions of the package |