We're proudly announce that Version 3
is here!
- Native Splash Screen
- New React Native Architecture Ready (RN 0.68+) ๐ป
- Awesome Theme Support for both Light / Dark Mode
- Removed Optional Dependencies
- Latest
andReact Native
Dependencies - All Dependencies are Upgraded
- Code Refactoring
- New GIF with the Project Example for Theming
- Much Better Documentation
- Detailed Roadmap
Flipper Ready
Navigation System
- React Navigation 6
- React Navigation Helpers
- Ready to use Stack and Tab Screens with navigation
NEW: Built-in Theme System with Hooks
- โ๏ธ Light Theme Support
- ๐ Dark Theme Support
- Dynamic Color Palette System
- Custom Font Support
- Built-in Better
Ready to use React Native Reanimated 2 Integration
Native Splash Screen Integration
Awesome React Native Helpers Integration
- Noth Detection Support
- Better Dimension Helper (Ex: ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight)
- Cool Text Helpers
React Native Vector Icons
Localization (Multi-Language Support)
HTTP Network Management
- Axios**
- Axios Hooks
- API Service with Usage Examples
Built-in EventEmitter
Babel Plugin Module Resolver
- Fixing the relative path problem
- Visit
to ready to use and more customization
Pre-commit Husky Integration
- Ready to command husky setup with
npm run husky:setup
Integration for better commit linter- Auto prettier on pre-commit
- Awesome ESLint Integration
- Ready to command husky setup with
Built-in Custom Font Implementation
- All you need to do is copy-paste the .tff files into
folder - Run
npx react-native-asset
- All you need to do is copy-paste the .tff files into
More and more! :)
To create a new project using the barebone boilerplate:
git clone https://github.com/WrathChaos/react-native-typescript-boilerplate.git my-app-name
Clean up the files from the example repository and do not forget to install the dependencies
There is a good example by default on HomeScreen
. You can delete the all screens.
npm i
npm run clean-up
npm i && npx pod-install
react-native run-ios/android
rm -rf .git README.md
rm -rf ./assets
git init
npm i
npm run husky:setup
npx pod-install
(iOS Only)react-native run-ios/android
Before doing anything else, please simply run the command to initalize the husky. If you do not run clean-up part you should run the husky setup by yourself
npm run husky:setup
will handle the initialization, installation and ready to use commitlint
, prettier
and eslint
Rename the project: (Thanks to react-native-name)
npx react-native-rename <your-project-name>
With custom Bundle Identifier (Android only. For iOS, please use Xcode)
npx react-native-rename <your-project-name> -b <bundleIdentifier>
npm i
cd ios && pod install
cd .. && react-native run-ios/android
npm i
cd android && mkdir local.properties
nano local.properties
Make sure that set your right path of Android SDK
Replace your machine name instead of username
Replace your machine name instead of username
cd .. & react-native run-ios/android
Better Husky: Linter, Prettier and Commintlint -
Removal ofreact-native-animated-splash-screen
New Theme Support with React Navigation -
Implement the native splash screen with react-native-splash-screen -
Better and separated documentation -
Axios Hooks -
React Native New Architecture -
Babel Plugin Module Resolver
Documentation with Example -
Navigation Service
Documentation with Example -
Documentation with Example -
Documentation with Example -
Documentation -
for the boilerplate - Splash Screen Documentation
Detox E2E
Integration Fork Version -
Fork Version -
MobX State Tree
Fork Version - Write an article about the lib on
- Write an article about the lib on
Photo by Shifaaz shamoon on Unsplash
Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash
FreakyCoder, kurayogun@gmail.com
React Native Typescript Boilerplate is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.