Send Sir Perceval on a quest to retrieve and gather data from software repositories.
usage: perceval [-c <file>] [-g] <backend> [<args>] | --help | --version
Repositories are reached using specific backends. The most common backends
askbot Fetch questions and answers from Askbot site
bugzilla Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server
bugzillarest Fetch bugs from a Bugzilla server (>=5.0) using its REST API
confluence Fetch contents from a Confluence server
discourse Fetch posts from Discourse site
gerrit Fetch reviews from a Gerrit server
git Fetch commits from Git
github Fetch issues from GitHub
gmane Fetch messages from Gmane
hyperkitty Fetch messages from a HyperKitty archiver
jenkins Fetch builds from a Jenkins server
jira Fetch issues from JIRA issue tracker
mbox Fetch messages from MBox files
mediawiki Fetch pages and revisions from a MediaWiki site
meetup Fetch events from a Meetup group
nntp Fetch articles from a NNTP news group
phabricator Fetch tasks from a Phabricator site
pipermail Fetch messages from a Pipermail archiver
redmine Fetch issues from a Redmine server
rss Fetch entries from a RSS feed server
slack Fetch messages from a Slack channel
stackexchange Fetch questions from StackExchange sites
supybot Fetch messages from Supybot log files
telegram Fetch messages from the Telegram server
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show version
-c FILE, --config FILE
set configuration file
-g, --debug set debug mode on
Run 'perceval <backend> --help' to get information about a specific backend.
- Python >= 3.4
- python3-dateutil >= 2.6
- python3-requests >= 2.7
- python3-bs4 (beautifulsoup4) >= 4.3
- python3-feedparser >= 5.1.3
There are several ways for installing Perceval on your system: from packages, from a docker image or from the source code.
Perceval can be installed using pip, a tool for installing Python packages. To do it, run the next command:
$ pip3 install perceval
A Perceval Docker image is available at DockerHub.
Detailed information on how to run and/or build this image can be found here.
To install from the source code you will need to clone the repository first:
$ git clone
In this case, setuptools package will be required. Make sure it is installed before running the next commands:
$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
$ python3 install
Documentation is generated automagically in the ReadTheDocs Perceval site.
$ perceval askbot '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
To fetch bugs from Bugzilla, you have two options:
a) Use the traditional backend
$ perceval bugzilla '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'
b) Use the REST API backend for Buzilla 5.0 (or higher) servers. We strongly recommend this backend when data is fetched from version servers >=5.0 because the retrieval process is much faster.
$ perceval bugzillarest '' --backend-user user --backend-password pass --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval confluence '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval discourse '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
To run gerrit, you will need an authorized SSH private key:
$ eval `ssh-agent -s`
$ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
Identity added: /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa (/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa)
To run the backend, execute the next command:
$ perceval gerrit --user user '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
To run this backend execute the next command. Take into account that to run this backend Git program has to be installed on your system.
$ perceval git '' --from-date '2016-01-01'
Git backend can also work with a Git log file as input. We recommend to use the next command to get the most complete log file.
git log --raw --numstat --pretty=fuller --decorate=full --parents --reverse --topo-order -M -C -c --remotes=origin --all > /tmp/gitlog.log
Then, to run the backend, just execute any of the next commands:
$ perceval git --git-log '/tmp/gitlog.log' 'file:///myrepo.git'
$ perceval git '/tmp/gitlog.log'
$ perceval github elastic logstash --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval gmane --offset 2000 ''
$ perceval hyperkitty '' --from-date 2017-01-01
$ perceval jenkins ''
$ perceval jira '' --project PUP --from-date '2016-01-01'
$ perceval mbox '' /tmp/mboxes/
$ perceval mediawiki '' --from-date '2016-06-30'
$ perceval meetup 'Software-Development-Analytics' --from-date '2016-06-01' -t abcdefghijk
$ perceval nntp '' '' --offset 10
$ perceval phabricator '' -t 123456789abcefe
$ perceval pipermail ''
Pipermail also is able to fetch data from Apache's mod_box
$ perceval pipermail ''
$ perceval redmine '' --from-date '2016-01-01' -t abcdefghijk
$ perceval rss ''
$ perceval slack C0001 --from-date 2016-01-12 -t abcedefghijk
$ perceval stackexchange --site stackoverflow --tagged python --from-date '2016-01-01' --token abcdabcdabcdabcd
$ perceval supybot '' /tmp/supybot/
Telegram backend needs an API token to authenticate the bot. In addition and in order to fetch messages from a group or channel, privacy settings must be disabled. To know how to create a bot, to obtain its token and to configure it please read the Telegram Bots docs pages.
$ perceval telegram mybot -t 12345678abcdefgh --chats 1 2 -10
Licensed under GNU General Public License (GPL), version 3 or later.