Releases: jepusto/clubSandwich
Releases · jepusto/clubSandwich
Maintenance release
- Updated unit tests to satisfy obscure CRAN checks.
support for lmer()
This release adds methods for lmerMod objects fitted by lme4::lmer(). It also makes some minor changes to internals for compatibility with R-devel.
Corrected unit tests.
0.3.5 Edited cran-comments.
t statistics and plm bug fix
This is a maintenance release. Changes are as follows:
- Added t statistics to output of coef_test().
- Fixed a bug in get_index_order(), an internal function used with plm objects. Previously, the function assumed that both individual and time indices were specified in the plm call. The new function works even when zero or one indices are specified.
Compatibility with metafor
This is a maintenance release. Changes are as follows:
- impute_covariance_matrix() now drops unobserved factor levels.
- Updated method for handling residuals from rma.uni and objects, for consistency with metafor 2.1-0.
Confidence intervals
This release adds a convenience function, conf_int(), for calculating confidence intervals based on cluster-robust standard errors and Satterthwaite degrees of freedom.
coef_test() a subset of regression coefficients
This is a maintenance release. The main changes are:
- Added "coefs" option to coef_test() to allow testing of subsets of coefficients.
- Updated suggests to use carData instead of car package.
support for ivreg and mlm
This release includes:
- Methods for ivreg objects.
- Methods for mlm objects.
- Miscellaneous bug fixes, including:
- Updated residuals_CS.plm to account for changes in plm 1.6-6.
Bread matrices and speed improvements
This release includes the following changes:
- Added bread() methods for all supported model classes, as in the sandwich package.
- vcovCR() is now calculated using bread(), and carries attributes for bread, est_mat, and adjustment matrices.
- vcovCR() gains a 'form' argument to obtain just the meat of the sandwich, or to use a user-specified bread matrix.
- Refactored internal functions for degrees of freedom calculation to improve speed and memory usage.
- Bug fixes:
- updated nobs.plm method to handle first-differenced models
First CRAN release
First version released on CRAN.