It is available from Jennifer Server version
Execute the following in the Jennifer management screen.
- Extension & Notice > Adapter and Plugin
- Click the Add button.
- Select the 'EVENT' type.
- Enter the 'eventlog' ID.
- Enter the adapter path directly or upload the file.
- Enter the class 'com.aries.eventlog.LogAdapter'.
Adapter options are shown in the table below.
Key | Default Value |
pattern | [%time] domain=%domainName(%domainId), instance=%instanceName(%instanceId), level=%eventLevel, name=%eventName, value=%value |
date_format | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
full_path | ../logs/eventlog.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log |
rolling_mode | true |
If there is no option, the default value of the table is applied. Here's how to add an option: