Welcome to jzIntvImGui! It's an all-in-one powerful Dear ImGui interface which allows you to manage your collection of Intellivision games, offering an easy and immediate way to select and play a specific game through the magic of jzIntv. Actually you don't need to have jzIntv as external program, since it is integrated in the product.
A port of jzIntvImGui exists for:
- Windows
- Linux
- Android
- Nintendo Switch
This is the main interface Window, showing the list of games.
An item is GREEN when the program found the rom file related to a game configured in the internal database, by CRC32 match.
An item is RED when the program DIDN'T find the rom file related to a game configured in the internal database, by CRC32 match.
An item is YELLOW when the program found a rom file with a not configured CRC32.
The same view is available on android too when device orientation is landscape
While in portrait mode you'll have only the list of games
Obviously, you have to choose the folder containing roms (and bioses) of your collection. By default, the program will search them in the "Roms" folder located in the resources folder, but you can change it by browsing your file system.
You can change this and other configurations in the "General options" section
For Desktop ports (Windows and Linux), you can choose to use an external jzIntv instead of the embedded one. It must be located in the same path of the application, and executable must be called "jzintv.exe" for Windows (case insensitive) and "jzintv" for Linux (case sensitive)
You can also configure single-game Options:
If a game does not exist in the internal database, you can add it
After saving your data, you'll have your game into database
In order to play, on Android devices by default you'll have all the needed buttons on the screen
And if needed, there's a realistic ECS Keyboard too
JzIntvImGui allows to change property of every control (size, position, transparency ecc..), and to save current configuration as default, or to save it only for the actual game
The left section of the configuration bar contains these buttons:
- Select previous control
- Select next control
- Reset selected control to default values
- Hide/show selected control
- Increase transparency
- Decrease transparency
- Save actual configuration as default
- Save actual configuration just for selected game
- X-Flip controls
The right section of the configuration bar contains a disc-style configuration switches:
- Decrease width of selected control
- Move up selected control
- Increase width of selected control
- Move left selected control
- Move right selected control
- Decrease height of selected control
- Move down selected control
- Increase height of selected control
Included in the package there's the "resources" folder, containing all the images and configuration files used (and usable) by the program. It is composed by these subfolders:
Keyboard hack files and palette files to pass as parameters to jzIntv.
Ttf and otf fonts file you can use in the interface.
Images used by the interface. All image formats are supported.
Screenshots of the games, shown in interface. When you get a screenshot during jzIntv emulation (by default by F11 key), it will be moved in this folder.
Box images of the games, shown in interface.
Support images for the interface.
Images used in Android as buttons, in order to play with touch screen of the device.
Feel free to replace/add your custom files in any of those folders. 😊 With the exception of Android, this "resources" folder must be located in the same folder of executable file. In Android devices instead, this folder will be written inside the folder "jzIntvImGui", automatically created in the root of the internal SD of the device once app is executed for the first time.
JzIntvImGui offers by default all the configuration you may need to play with your games on Android. You have all the controller numbered buttons, clear and enter buttons, side buttons, for both left and right controllers. The program also provides useful buttons to pause, reset and quit emulation, buttons for change player, get a screenshot and show Ecs keyboard. All configuration options are read and wrote from/to the configuration file, called "jzIntvImGui.ini". Every parameter is managed directly in the interface, so you don't need to edit it manually. But, if you wish, you can override standard behaviour of every button, or you can also add custom buttons producing jzIntv events not 'included' by default. For example, you can add a button generating the "AVI" event, in order to record a VIDEO of your game. Or, you can decide that in a particular game, side buttons would behave as volume up and volume down.
Well, actually this can be done only by manual editing the configuration file. This file structured with the typical key-value pair management, and it is composed in three different sections:
- General section, starting with string "[General]"
- Controls section, starting with string "[Controls]". This is available only in Android. This section is composed by several sub-sections, one for every single control having at least one property not standard.
- Games section, starting with string "[Games]". This section is composed by several sub-sections, one for every single game.
[-- Named Control 1 -- ]
[-- Named Control 2 -- ]
[-- CRC32 GAME 1 -- ]
[-- CRC32 GAME 2 -- ]
You can open ini file to see all standard options.
These are the override options instead
defines the name of the image to use for a control when it's not pressed
defines the name of the image to use for a control when it's pressed
defines the name of the jzIntv event to send when pressed
If you want to override / create new behaviours for all games, you have to edit Controls section. For example, you want to use your own custom image for a control. You have to put your image in the Images/Controls folder, then in the Controls section you can add:
control_file_name_released = indy-style.png
Here you are:
If you want to override / create new behaviours for a single specific game, you have to edit file in the specific game section which is a subsection of "Games"
For example, for a particular game you want to override the KP1 event in order to get a screenshot.
In this case, you'll have to change a little the name of the property:
control_override_event_PD0L_KP1__L = SHOT
Here you are:
The 'L' stands for left layout, and if you flip the screen, Indy vanishes
If you want to have the same behaviour also for the other layout, repeat with 'R' 😃
Provided "bin" folder contains all the needed files. The "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable per Visual Studio x86" package must be installed (https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170)
jzIntvImGui needs libSDL2 to be executed. In my Debian GNU/Linux distro, I need to install them (as superUser) with commands:
sudo apt-get --assume-yes update
sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libsdl2-image-2.0-0
Just install the apk file in "bin" folder
jzIntvImGui is a CMake project. For both Windows and Linux I use jetbrains CLion (https://www.jetbrains.com/clion/) to manage it
- Install MINIMAL Mingw (https://sourceforge.net/projects/mingw/). Select and mark for installation mingw32-base and mingw32-gcc-g++. Then, by clicking on "All Packages" be sure that mingw32-make is selected. Then click on "Apply Changes" on "Installation" menu item.
- Install/Download CLion and open project by selecting "jzIntvImGui" folder
- To check that all is ok, when project is open click on File --> Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Toolchains and in Toolset be sure that your Mingw installation in selected
Install packages
sudo apt-get --assume-yes update sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libsdl2-image-dev libglfw3-dev build-essential
Install/Download CLion and open project by selecting "jzIntvImGui" folder
Once project is open in Clion (Both Windows and Linux):
- Right click on app/src/main/cpp/CmakeLists.txt and choose "Load CMake project"
- Force build directory to app/bin (File --> Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Cmake --> Build Directory)
- Choose your build type (File --> Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Cmake --> Build type)
- Build in "Build" menu, or press the green "Play" button in the toolbar
- Recreate cache if requested (Tools -> CMake -> Reset Cache and Reload Project)
Project should be loaded directly by Android Studio. I personally use Intellij ULTIMATE (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/) since it's a little smaller. Before opening project, if you don't have Android sdk/ndk installed:
- With Android Studio you will be automatically prompted to install Android SDK components and SDK Manager
- With Intellij ULTIMATE, you can follow these three steps:
- Manual create SDK folder (example: c:\androidSdk)
- Open Intellij ULTIMATE.
- Choose new project --> Android. You'll be asked to configure/install Android SDK into your folder (ex. C:\androidSdk). This step is a quick shortcut that allows you to use SDK Manager from intellij, you don't really need to create a new project, so when SDK Manager is installed you can click on cancel.
Now (Both Intellij ULTIMATE and Android Studio):
Go to Tools --> Android --> SDK Manager
- On SDK Platforms click "show package details" and install:
- Android 11.0 (R) SDK Platform 30.
- Accept all licenses.
- On SDK Tools click "show package details" and install:
- Google Usb driver
- Android SDK Platform-tools
- Android SDK Build-Tools 31 ->30.0.2
- ndkVersion "21.1.6352462"
- Cmake
- Android Emulator(if you need it, I don't)
- Accept all licenses.
- If requested by IDE, download pre-build shared indexes.
- On SDK Platforms click "show package details" and install:
Open project and wait until ALL is loaded (the first time will take SOME minutes)
To check if all is ok:
- File --> Project Structure:
- Project:
- Project SDK: jbr-11 JetBrains Runtime version 11.0.11
- Project language level: SDK default (11)
- Project:
- File --> Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Android --> Android Project Structure
- Project:
- Android Gradle Plugin Version: 4.1.1
- Gradle Version: 6.5
- Modules:
- Properties:
- Compile Sdk Version 29
- Build Tools Version 30.0.2
- Default Config:
- Target SDK Version 29
- Min SDK Version 22
- Properties:
- Project:
- File --> Settings --> Build, Execution, Deployment --> Build Tools --> Gradle
- Build and run using: Gradle
- Run Tests using: Gradle
- Use Gradle from: 'gradle-wrapper.properties' file
- Gradle JVM: jbr-11 JetBrains Runtime version 11.0.11
- File --> Project Structure:
To switch between debug/release --> Build->Select Build Variant...
Once all is OK, AT YOUR OWN RISK you can try to update versions of plugins, ndk, sdk, cmake etc... ...but I had a bad time on it 😐
- Add Overlays support
- On Windows, use ImguiFileDialog to select folders/files instead of Microsoft dialogs
- Fix and merge Nintendo Switch branch in main branch
- Capture jzIntv output
Dear ImGui actually does not support word wrap in multiline text fields. So I implemented my version (ocornut/imgui#3237 (comment))
But if you have font size too big, the computation in landscape mode is VERY slow. I don't think I will fix it, I hope that one day word wrap will be implemented in Dear Imgui 🙄
Joe Zbiciak and his jzIntv http://spatula-city.org/~im14u2c/intv/
Dear ImGui https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
CLion project https://github.com/joelcancela/ImguiDemoCLion
Switch imgui glfw https://github.com/MstrVLT/switch_imgui_glfw
Android imgui https://github.com/sfalexrog/Imgui_Android
Lazyfoo native example https://lazyfoo.net/tutorials/SDL/52_hello_mobile/index.php
LibSDl2_Image with CMake https://trenki2.github.io/blog/2017/07/04/using-sdl2-image-with-cmake/
FileDialog c++ dll https://docs.microsoft.com/it-it/samples/microsoft/windows-classic-samples/open-dialog-box-sample/
FileDialog c++ dll https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/446920/setting-a-hook-for-getopenfilename
Nativefiledialog-extended https://github.com/btzy/nativefiledialog-extended
ImguiFileDialog https://github.com/aiekick/ImGuiFileDialog
Emanuele Zangara for creation of terrific configurations buttons and disc button too emanuele.zangara@yahoo.it
Zendocon for support, suggestions and tests https://atariage.com/forums/profile/31886-zendocon/
larryvgs for support, suggestions and tests https://atariage.com/forums/profile/79111-larryvgs/
20/11/2021 2.3.2 - Android usb management + jzIntv fix crash on launching a non JLP game after a JLP game
06/05/2022 2.3.7 - Bugfix for Pause button not working
- Added external jzIntv management (Windows and Linux only)
- Decreased minSDk Android version to 22, for Amazon Fire Stick devices
- Added icon to Windows executable
(Thanks larryvgs for motivating me to do everything, and for testing 😊)
Have fun!