A CLI tool that automates code generation from database schemas and templates, reducing repetitive coding tasks.
StructName name
StructPluralName name + "s"
TableName table
TableItem item
KeyType type of field where key equals true
KeyName name of field where key equals true
KeyFieldName field_name or name (lowercase) of field where key equals true
StructVar name (camelcase)
OpenBraces {{
CloseBraces }}
Name name
FieldName field_name or name (lowercase)
Key true if field is tablet key
Type type
Maxlength maxlength
Minlength minlength
DBExtras db_extras
DBDefault db_default
Reference reference
ReferenceType "" or type of the foreign table ID if type equals reference
ValidateFunction validate_function or Valid + name + Default
To generate code using this tool, you need to provide a schema file, specify the table, and include at least one template file. Here is the basic usage:
jempe_code_generator -schema=schema.json -table=users templates/user.tmpl
jempe_code_generator -schema=schema.json -table=users templates/user.tmpl
: Path of the output file. If not provided, the generated code will be printed to the standard output.-schema
: Path of the schema file. This file should contain the database schema.-table
: Name of the table for which you want to generate code.-overwrite
: If set to true, existing files will be overwritten.-template_files
: List of template files to be used for code generation.
jempe_code_generator -schema=schema.json -table=users -output=generated_code.go templates/user.tmpl
This command will generate the code based on the provided schema and template files and save it to generated_code.go
- Ensure the schema file exists and is correctly formatted.
- Provide at least one template file to generate the code.
- If the output file already exists and you don't use the -overwrite flag, the tool will not overwrite the existing file.