We already know about the bibble about antichrist and beast in revelation.
After year 2021 to year 2030 is ruled by antichrist and first beast according to bibble book of revelation.
we are redeemed now according to bibble book of revelation we are not now at year 2020.
. So this is the Secret we may in some other year ???? this is done by King solomon technology.
so we call this as Green century (GC).
This is to manage our world calender to protect ou world from evil powers by wilmix jemin j(king solomon).
Our calender starts from 0GC to ???? GC (can end shortly with in few years)
and GC also ends shortly according to bibble since Christ coming is very near...
so When Lord Jesus christ comes it will start from 1AC to 1000AC (ie)(3099AD).
King SOLOMON(wilmix jemin .j)