Aion is a scheduling application for schools created with Python and Django.
Schools often share resources between classrooms. We believe scheduling and reserving resources like computer labs and laptop carts is easier with a block-based tool like Aion.
Aion requires Python 3.6+, PostgreSQL, an email service (ie. SendGrid), and OS-specific dependancy tools.
After creating the superuser, use the django shell to manually create a profile for the admin account.
In the admin site: Create organizations, email filters, and schools.
- Blank Cloud9 workspace created
- Installed Python 3.6, VirtualEnv, and Django 2.1
- Created Django Project (Aion)
- Custom Cloud9 Runner (Command: aion/aion/ | Runner: Aion
- Created Django App (reservations)
- Installed Crispy Forms
- Configured Crispy Forms for Bootstrap4
- Got the new blg-Admin feature working
- Created decorator permission for school-admin
- Built a signup module
- Wrote all the main functionality
- Wrote all the building admin functionaility
- Created custom forms (extended crispy forms)
- Created announcement feature for blg admins
- Bulk reservation feature!
- Background tasks added via django_cron
- Supports multiple orgs
- Supports multiple schools within an org
- Updated nomenclature for models (Resources, Blocks)
- Users select their school within their org
- Announcements feature
- School admin level
- Super admin level
- Bulk reservations
- Built-in account management
- Bookmark Resources feature added