This is a REST API using python's microframework Flask, and NoSQL database MongoDB with Its mongo Atlas cloud manager. This API provides information of students at UNET, you can also make others CRUD operations like INSERT, PUT, or DELETE, but yow need to create an user and login to use JWT, to more information about this contact repo owner.
1- Clone this project, on your local machine:
$ git clone
2- Create a virtual env inside the folder:
$ python3 -m venv your_venv
3- Activate env:
$ source your_venv/bin/activate
4- Install dependencies:
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
5- Create and export variables to .flaskenv file:
$ touch .flaskenv
$ echo "" > .flaskenv
Also you can export another variables to put aplication into development mode:
$ echo "FLASK_ENV=development" >> .flaskenv
6- Create an .env file with these variables
7- Run your app:
$ flask run
If you are using a local mongo database, you need to edit this variable at
You can check all endpoints when you are running this API on your local machine: DOCS
There is an online version of this API currently running at Heroku cloud. Visit Home page. You can try all search endpoints, but not Insert, Update, and Delete operations. See online documentation at DOC