This web application allows you to experiment with different parts and computer cases to build your desired PC.
Install Docker
In your terminal, create docker volume:
docker volume create cnp-data
Docker compose build and then up:
docker compose build
docker compose up
Access in browser:
- Chad
- Jason
- Jarett
- Jaylon
The people we would expect to use this application, are pc hobbyists and enthusiasts. People that care about how their PC looks, and not just how it works.
- As we are unable to find an API to handle products, we created a web scraper to pull computer part details. Axios and Cheerio were used to fetch the data from specific portions of parsed HTML. A script was created and ran to generate SQL files of over 1000+ PC part descriptions to be used in PostgresSQL.
- Users should be able to sign up for an account so that they save their builds
- Users should be able to browse through a huge database of computer hardware
- Users should be able to add parts that they want to a build list
- Users should be able to save multiple different build lists
- Users should be able to CRUD their build lists
- A part that a user adds to a build list should show a warning if the part that was added is incompatible with another part.- Users should be able to CRUD their build lists
- From the build list, users should be able to click a shop button that opens up a 3rd party site, aka Newegg, where they can see the prices for those parts.
- There should be a topdown view of a computer case where users can drag on parts that snap to the correct locations so that users can see how they look.
- Users should be able to publish their private builds to be public.
- Ability for other users to comment on builds that are made public.
- Have a rating system for each public build.
- At the end of the month, automatically show the top rated build of the month.
- If the top rated build is tied with another in rating, use the amount of views it has to break the tie.
- If that does not break the tie, show both builds.
- If the top rated build is tied with another in rating, use the amount of views it has to break the tie.