Vim support for Clojure Grimoire
:Grim - echo doc for symbol under cursor
:GrimBuffer - Similar to :Grim but creates new buffer
:GrimBrowse - open doc in browser (using gx)
First, install the Vim plugin. Using Vundle, you'd add the following to your config:
Plugin 'jebberjeb/grimoire.vim'
Next, add the Leiningen dependency (preferably to your ~/.lein/profiles.clj):
[grimvim "0.1.0"]
In your .vimrc, override g:grimoire#version to point to a different version of Clojure if needed (defaults to 1.7.0).
- cache api calls
- check for names, namespaces (using api)
- help doc
Distributed under the same terms as Vim itself. See :help license