NOTE: It is best to have created a github organization to use this template. There are a few features which require it. Namely the dependabot security features for organizations. Start reading Creating a new organization from scratch to learn.
This is my recommended way to use this template repo. By doing this you'll be able to use the gitmoji commitizen adapter to add your initial commit message with a gitmoji icon which will later be used to create the changelog automatically.
If you don't care about using gitmoji on your initial commit then you can simply click the Use this template
button and select Create a new repository
. Here are the github template instructions to use this GitHub Template. Otherwise continue reading.
First create a new empty github repository WITHOUT a
, or .gitignore
we will add these later. Adding an 'optional description' is fine at this point.
mkdir {your_empty_repo_name}
git clone {your_empty_repo_name}
cd {your_empty_repo_name}
rm -rf .git package-lock.json docs/typedocs/*
git config --global init.defaultBranch main
git init
Then run the following command in the directory you will be working in:
git remote add origin{username}/{your_empty_repo_name}.git
Next install GitHubs cli by following these instructions for your OS OR check out the GitHub CLI website Then run either the
./repo_management_files/ #(for Linux/MacOS)
./repo_management_files/issues.bat #(for Windows OS)
To create all the issues needed to finish setting this repo up. Look at issue #1 to and follow the directions.
In package.json file do the following:
- [ ] find and replace all occurances of template-nodes-project
with your repo's name
- [ ] set version to 1.0.0
- [ ] remove and replace keywords with your projects keywords
- [ ] configure or remove the funding to your specifics
- [ ] set the license
- [ ] review the validate-branch-name->pattern to see if the branches are approriate for your project
- [ ] review the cz-gitmoji-adapter->scopes list to see if the enteries are approritate for your project
- [ ] change publishConfig->access to public
or restricted
(for private)
bun i
bun cm
In build.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cm
In depcheck.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cm
In docs.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cm
In lint.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cm
In pr.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cm
In release.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cm
In test.yml do the following:
bun i
bun cz
for the commit type select: init 🎉 Initial commit.
for the scope type select; [none]
for the short description: initalizing repo configuration
for the longer description: made all the initial changes to package.json to get the template up and running
for BREAKING CHANGE: Press Enter to skip
for issues closed: #1
NOTE: if you haven't run the you can press enter to skip the issues
git push --set-upstream origin main
Open up issue #1 on your{username}/{your_empty_repo_name}/issues
and complete all the tasks.
and run
npm install
in order to get the package-lock.json