Flocx plugin for horizon to show and create bids, offers, and contracts
FLOCX provides a marketplace for trading physical servers among co-located pools of hardware where each pool is owned and managed by independent organizations. Using FLOCX, organizations can rent nodes from their co-located neighbors in times of high demand and offer their own resources at a suitable price when others experience high demand.
Read about the Flocx project here.
- Free software: Apache license
- Release Notes: View the changelog
- Contributing: Read CONTRIBUTING.md
Add this repo as an external repository into your local.conf
enable_plugin flocx https://github.com/CCI-MOC/flocx-ui
The following below instructions assumes that Horizon is already installed and its installation folder is <horizon>
. Detailed information on how to install Horizon can be found at https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/contributor/quickstart.html#setup.
The installation folder of Flocx-ui will be referred to as <flocx-ui>
Flocx-ui uses Node.js to run linters and JavaScript unit tests. Make sure to install Node.js before continuing.
Clone Flocx-ui
$ git clone https://github.com/CCI-MOC/flocx-ui
$ cd flocx-ui
Install requirements
$ npm install # This should install python dependencies as well
Install source code
$ sudo python setup.py install
Enable it in Horizon
$ ln -s <flocx-ui>/flocx_ui/enabled/_31000_flocx-ui.py <horizon>/openstack_dashboard/local/enabled
And restart the Apache server
$ sudo service apache2 restart
$ npm run test:py
$ npm run test:js