Given a letter print a diamond starting with 'A' with the supplied letter at the widest point.
This is the print diamond for 'E'.
....A.... ...B.B... ..C...C.. .D.....D. E.......E .D.....D. ..C...C.. ...B.B... ....A....
This is the print diamond for 'C'.
..A.. .B.B. C...C .B.B. ..A..
This is the print diamond for 'A'.
Note: These examples use dots in place of spaces only for readability. Your diamond must contain spaces where there are dots.
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- Disappointed about whitespace handling in multiline Strings
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- Consistent with Rotation
- TDD Bootsrap Script +2
- Using Refactoring tools of VS Code
- Look into Gitpod workspaces
- Split Screen
// Code as of 4/10/2022 5:53 PM EDT
import {expect} from 'chai' import 'mocha'
describe('Diamond', () => { it('is the simplest Diamond', () => { expect(diamond('A')).to.equal('A') })
it('is the Diamond for B', () => {
.A. B.B .A.
it('is the Diamond for C', () => {
..A.. .B.B. C...C .B.B. ..A..
function diamond(letter: string): string { if(letter === 'C') { const top = "..A.." + "\n"; return top + ".B.B." + "\n" + middleLine("C") + ".B.B." + "\n" + top; }
if(letter === 'B') {
let middle = middleLine(letter);
let top = topLine(letter);
return top + middle + top;
return 'A';
function topLine(diamondLetter: string) { const spacesInMiddle = numberOfSpacesInMiddle(diamondLetter); const diamondWidth = spacesInMiddle + 2; const spacesInTopSide = (diamondWidth - 1) / 2; let dots = '.'.repeat(spacesInTopSide); return dots + 'A' + dots + '\n' }
function middleLine(diamondLetter: string) { return diamondLetter + '.'.repeat(numberOfSpacesInMiddle(diamondLetter)) + diamondLetter + '\n' }
function numberOfSpacesInMiddle(diamondLetter: string) { return (diamondLetter.charCodeAt(0) - 'A'.charCodeAt(0)) * 2 - 1; }