Fork this project into your own Github account
Clone on your machine:
git clone https://github.com/<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/bin.git ~/bin
Make sure the
file is loaded every time you open the Terminal:echo "if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then source ~/.bashrc fi" > ~/.bash_profile
Load environment variables, aliases and shell settings:
ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/bashrc ~/.bashrc
Enter your Github credentials in gitconfig, then load the git settings:
ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/git/config ~/.gitconfig
Load git ignore settings:
ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/git/ignore ~/.gitignore
Load git global hooks:
mkdir -p ~/.git_template/hooks/ ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/git/pre-commit ~/.git_template/hooks/
Load rubygems settings:
ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/gemrc ~/.gemrc
Load pry settings for Rails:
ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/pryrc ~/.pryrc
Load SSH settings:
mkdir -p ~/.ssh ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/ssh/config ~/.ssh/config
Load git prompt support:
source ~/.bashrc vcprompt-install
Load hub support (optional):
Add custom bundles to Textmate 1 (optional):
ln -sf ~/bin/dotfiles/textmate ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/claudiob.tmbundle
Don't track further changes to your private settings:
cd ~/bin git update-index --assume-unchanged ~/bin/dotfiles/bash/env.secret git update-index --assume-unchanged ~/bin/dotfiles/ssh/config
Go and edit your aliases, configuration, settings, then push to your Github account!
- Install OSX gcc installer
- Install homebrew
- Install rbenv
- Learn how to navigate with keyboard between OSX Terminal tabs