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Jean-Christophe Gay edited this page Aug 18, 2021 · 13 revisions

OS X ?

You can install a pre-packaged maven named maven-deluxe using brew.
It comes with maven-color, maven-notifier and maven-profiler.
It is based on latest maven release.

brew tap jcgay/jcgay
brew install maven-deluxe

Maven >= 3.1.x

$M2_HOME refers to maven installation folder.

├── bin
├── boot
├── conf
└── lib

If you are using Windows with Cygwin and you have M2_HOME environment variable set to something like:


Just replace all further occurences in example commands of $M2_HOME by $(cygpath $M2_HOME).

Maven >= 3.5.x: Get maven-color-gossip-bundle (without Jansi): tar.gz or zip.
Maven < 3.5.x: Get maven-color-gossip-bundle: tar.gz or zip.

Extract it in your $M2_HOME folder. It contains gossip dependencies.

tar xvfz maven-color-gossip-3.0.1-bundle-without-jansi.tar.gz -C $M2_HOME

Delete $M2_HOME/lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.x.jar or maven-slf4j-provider-x.x.x (depends on your Maven version).

rm $M2_HOME/lib/slf4j-simple-1.7.*.jar
rm $M2_HOME/lib/maven-slf4j-provider*.jar

Update from previous installation

Cleanup your previous installation before following the guides.
In $M2_HOME/lib/ext, delete maven-color*, logback*, log4j*, gossip*, jansi*, slf4j*, groovy* and cal10n* files (May vary between Logback, Log4j 2 and Gossip installation).


If you are provisionning your installation with Ansible you can find freemanjp's role on Ansible Galaxy.

Maven 3.0.x

Use maven-color 1.1 which is the last release compatible with Maven 3.0.x.

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