OpenGL Computer Graphics project I developed back in 2007 for the corresponding course at DEI/University of Coimbra. Got a score of 96/100.
This project was written in C/C++ and is a simple 3D engine. The main focus was providing a base engine with shadow mapping, multi-texturing, transparency support, Wavefront 3D object loading, multiple viewports, and "first-person-shooter" controls for further work. The work supports cubic interpolation (Catmull-Rom spline) that is used for controlling the path and direction of both cameras and of the lights composing the scene. The shadow mapping algorithm is done using the fixed-pipeline with a three pass rendering, where the first pass creates the depth buffer from the light view, and both the second and third passes render the scene with the objects either in the shadow or lit. In order to show detailed shadows the engine renders the first pass in a Frame Buffer Object and then uses the depth texture in the following passes.
You can do whatever you want with this code. Just give proper credit.
Press space to enable/disable automatic camera. Keys AWSD and arrows for movement, Q/E for rolling, Page Up/Down for moving up/down, C to debug camera position and ESC to quit. Alt+Enter toggles full-screen mode.
- Convert C'eish code to proper C++ and improve memory management (I suspect there may be some memory leaks somewhere)
- Abandon old deprecated GLee and move to a better OpenGL extension loading library
- Reduce the shadow algorithm to two passes
- Use cube mapping to produce shadows for the entire scene
- Use a more extensive 3D model loading library
- Change code so that it uses the programmable pipeline instead of the fixed one
Back then I got a GLM version that makes use of the DevIL library to load textures in other file formats. I don't remember where I got it and I could not find it on the internet. That "rare" version is included in this project.
João Carlos Ferreira Gonçalves OR