A Deck Advisor companion App for Magic Arena.
Visit our Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/DailyArena
Visit MTG Arena Zone: https://mtgazone.com
Visit Daily Arena: https://www.dailyarena.net
Libraries used by this project:
- Mac/Linux Support Continued (Command Line Only)
- Player Decks for Multiple Accounts
- Deck Scoring for Win Rate
- Historic Anthology
- Mac/Linux Support Started (Command Line Only)
- Spanish Support
- Windows Defender Nag Screen
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Blank Standard Deck Names
- Historic Anthology
- Code Reorganization
- Error Handling
- Banned Cards
- Card Name Filter
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Arena Log
- Bug Fixes
- Tab List Headings
- Localization Support/Russian
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Command Zone
- No Player Inventory Info Screen
- Bitmap Scaling
- Brawl Player Decks
- Seven Dwarves
- Card Meta-Stats
- Fixed typose in comments
- Deck Sorting
- Brawl Commander Replacement Suggestions
- More Localization Support
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Fixed some small bugs with the Updater relating to language resource files.
- Additional error handling and automatic Github issue creation.
- Bug fix for application crash when "Rotation Proof" toggle is on.
- Deck Filters
- More Localization Support
- Fixed bug due to trailing spaces on the card name for Mefolk Secretkeeper.
- More Support for Localization
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Fixed a bug that can cause a crash when generating replacement suggestions for decks missing a lot of colorless lands.
- Increased timeouts for various web operations, and added retries (some users are having issues due to network problems).
- Historic Format
- Support for Localization
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Added code to keep Historic decks in the player’s inventory from showing up in the “unfinished decks” list in Standard formats.
- Added code to ignore non-Standard Legal cards in the player’s collection unless a Historic format is selected.
- Fixed a bug with Adventure cards.
- Suggestions for Imported Decks
- Additional Default Deck Ordering Tweak for Arena Standard
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Fixed a server-side issue that broke the application after rotation.
- Fixed an issue that was casing basic land replacement suggestions for nonbasic lands not to work correctly.
- Improved the “loading” screens, added progress bars.
- Alternate Deck Configurations (for Standard)
- Default Deck Ordering Tweak for Arena Standard
- Minor and Under-the-Hood Changes
- Default window size increased
- Max number of cards shown on Meta Report increased to 98 (from 70)
- Additional logging added in the code that loads the deck library, to help with debuggind issues related to that code in the future
- Some basic functionality has been broken out into a separate "Common" library that can be used in other applications
- .NET Framework version increased from 4.6.1 to 4.6.2