A full-stack Facebook Graph API wrapper in Ruby.
gem install fb_graph
View RDoc on RDoc.info (rdoc.info/github/nov/fb_graph)
View Source on GitHub (github.com/nov/fb_graph)
Report Issues on GitHub (github.com/nov/fb_graph/issues)
Facebook fan page (www.facebook.com/pages/FbGraph/117513961602338)
Now FbGraph supports all objects listed here: developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/ Almost all connections for each object are also supported. (Private message connections are not supported yet)
Plus, you can play an Rails sample app here. fbgraphsample.heroku.com/
user = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) user = FbGraph::User.fetch('matake') user.name # => 'Nov Matake' user.picture # => 'https://graph.facebook.com/matake/picture' # fb_graph doesn't access to Graph API until you call "fetch" user = FbGraph::User.new('matake', :access_token => YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN) user.identifier # => "matake" user.name # => nil user.link # => nil user.fetch user.name # => "Nov Matake" user.description # => "http://www.facebook.com/matake" page = FbGraph::Page.fetch('smartfmteam') page.name # => 'smart.fm' page.picture # => 'https://graph.facebook.com/smart.fm/picture' :
# Public connections user = FbGraph::User.fetch('matake') user.feed user.posts user.friends user.tagged : # Private connections requires "access_token" FbGraph::User.new('matake').friends # => raise FbGraph::Unauthorized user = FbGraph::User.fetch('matake', :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) user.albums user.events user.friends user.likes : # "home" connection is only available for "me" me = User.new('me', :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) me.home :
# all objects FbGraph::Searchable.search("FbGraph") # => Array of Hash # specify type FbGraph::Page.search("FbGraph") # => Array of FbGraph::Page FbGraph::User.search("matake", :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) # => Array of FbGraph::User
# collection user = FbGraph::User.new('matake', :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) likes = user.likes # => Array of FbGraph::Like likes.next # => Array of FbGraph::Like (next page) likes.previous # => Array of FbGraph::Like (previous page) likes.collection.next # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "until"=>"2010-08-08T03:17:21+0000"}) likes.collection.previous # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "since"=>"2010-08-08T06:28:20+0000"}) user.likes(likes.collection.next) # => same with likes.next user.likes(likes.collection.previous) # => same with likes.previous # search results results = FbGraph::Page.search("FbGraph") # => Array of FbGraph::Page results.next # => Array of FbGraph::Page (next page) results.previous # => Array of FbGraph::Page (next page) results.klass # => FbGraph::Page results.collection.next # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "until"=>"2010-08-08T03:17:21+0000"}) results.collection.previous # => Hash for pagination options (ex. {"limit"=>"25", "since"=>"2010-08-08T06:28:20+0000"}) results.klass.search(results.query, results.collection.next) # => same with results.next results.klass.search(results.query, results.collection.previous) # => same with results.previous
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) me.feed!( :message => 'Updating via FbGraph', :picture => 'https://graph.facebook.com/matake/picture', :link => 'http://github.com/nov/fb_graph', :name => 'FbGraph', :description => 'A Ruby wrapper for Facebook Graph API' )
post = FbGraph::Page.new(117513961602338).feed.first bool = post.like!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) comment = post.comment!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :message => 'Hey, I\'m testing you!' )
page = FbGraph::Page.new(117513961602338) note = page.note!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :subject => 'testing', :message => 'Hey, I\'m testing you!' )
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) link = me.link!( :link => 'http://github.com/nov/fb_graph', :message => 'A Ruby wrapper for Facebook Graph API.' )
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) event = me.event!( :name => 'FbGraph test event', :start_time => 1.week.from_now.to_i, :end_time => 2.week.from_now.to_i ) bool = event.attending!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) bool = event.maybe!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) bool = event.declined!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN )
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) album = me.album!( :name => 'FbGraph test', :message => 'test test test' ) # => now facebook Graph API returns weird response for this call
me = FbGraph::User.me(ACCESS_TOKEN) album = me.albums.first album.photo!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :image => File.new('/Users/nov/Desktop/nov.gif', 'rb'), # 'rb' is needed only on windows :message => 'Hello, where is photo?' )
post = FbGraph::Page.new(117513961602338).feed.first bool = post.like!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN ) comment = post.comment!( :access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN, :message => 'Hey, I\'m testing you!' ) comment.destroy(:access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) post.unlike!(:access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN) post.destroy(:access_token => ACCESS_TOKEN)
Both Facebook JavaScript SDK and normal OAuth2 flow is supported. Below I show simple sample code. You can also see github.com/nov/fb_graph_sample for more details Rails3 sample application.
fb_auth = FbGraph::Auth.new(YOUR_APP_ID, YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET) fb_auth.client # => OAuth2::Client # get Facebook's auth cookie in advance using their JS SDK fb_auth.from_cookie(cookies) fb_auth.access_token # => OAuth2::AccessToken fb_auth.user # => FbGraph::User (only basic attributes) fb_auth.user.fetch # => fetch more details
# redirect user to facebook redirect_to fb_auth.client.web_server.authorize_url( :redirect_uri => "http://your.client.com/facebook/callback", :scope => "email,read_stream,offline_access" ) # in callback fb_auth.client.web_server.get_access_token( params[:code], :redirect_uri => callback_facebook_url ) # => OAuth2::AccessToken FbGraph::User.me(access_token).fetch # => fetch user
app = FbGraph::Application.new(YOUR_APP_ID, :secret => YOUR_APPLICATION_SECRET) app.insights # => Array of FbGraph::Insight
Currently fb_graph isn’t so well documented.
I’m continuously updating RDoc now, but writing all documents in English is heavy task for me.
Please see RDoc.info (rdoc.info/github/nov/fb_graph), and if the document is missing or hard to understand, please contact me on github.
I’ll add more documents or sample code.
Fork the project.
Make your feature addition or bug fix.
Add tests for it. This is important so I don’t break it in a future version unintentionally.
Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.
Copyright © 2010 nov matake. See LICENSE for details.