PlatformIO-FreeRTOS Public
Forked from BOJIT/PlatformIO-FreeRTOSPlatformIO Wrapper for FreeRTOS, designed for the FreeRTOS framework.
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 27, 2024 -
platform-atmelsam Public
Forked from platformio/platform-atmelsamAtmel SAM: development platform for PlatformIO
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 27, 2024 -
ArduinoCore-API Public
Forked from arduino/ArduinoCore-APIHardware independent layer of the Arduino cores defining the official API
C++ UpdatedNov 6, 2023 -
NMEA2000_ArduinoCAN Public
NMEA2000 support library using Arduino CAN API
NMEA2000 Public
Forked from ttlappalainen/NMEA2000NMEA2000 library for Arduino
C++ UpdatedNov 2, 2023 -
platform-atmelmegaavr Public
Forked from platformio/platform-atmelmegaavrAtmel megaAVR: development platform for PlatformIO
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 14, 2023 -
atsamd-rs-atsamd Public
Forked from atsamd-rs/atsamdTarget atsamd microcontrollers using Rust
Rust Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 14, 2023 -
swage Public
Forked from awslabs/swageA collection of libraries useful for developing and running services.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJun 21, 2018 -
specification Public
Forked from SignalK/specificationSignal K is a JSON-based format for storing and sharing marine data from different sources (e.g. nmea 0183, 2000, seatalk, etc)
JavaScript Other UpdatedDec 31, 2016 -
signalk-server-java Public
Forked from SignalK/signalk-server-javaA signalk server implemented in java
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 6, 2016 -
signalk-core-java Public
Forked from SignalK/signalk-core-javaSignalk core functionality
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 5, 2016 -