CERN-ROOT-mode is an Emacs major-mode for interacting with ROOT ( Specifically, this package provides the facilities to run the ROOT command line interface/REPL.
You can install the package from melpa, or use straight.el and download the package directly from this github repository. Here is one example of installing/configuring the package with straight.el:
(use-package cern-root-mode
:bind (:map c++-mode-map
(("C-c C-c" . cern-root-eval-defun)
("C-c C-b" . cern-root-eval-buffer)
("C-c C-l" . cern-root-eval-file)
("C-c C-r" . cern-root-eval-region)))
:straight (cern-root-mode :type git :host github :repo "jaypmorgan/cern-root-mode")
(setq cern-root-filepath "/path/to/root"))
There are only a few variables provided by the package:
Variable | Type | Default value | Description |
cern-root-filepath |
string | "root" |
This is the absolute/relative path to the root executable. This could be left as the default "root" value if ROOT is available on your $PATH. |
cern-root-command-option |
string | "" |
These are the command line options used when starting ROOT. By default there are no options. |
cern-root-prompt-regex |
string | "^\\[[0-9;^k]+m?" |
This is the regular expression used to find the input prompt of the ROOT REPL. If there is a customised prompt, this will need to be updated to suit the customisation. |
cern-root-buffer-name |
string | "*ROOT*" |
What to call the ROOT repl buffer when it starts. This could be left as the default *ROOT* , but its there for you to modify as you please. |
cern-root-terminal-backend |
symbol | 'terminal |
The terminal emulator to run the ROOT instance in. There are only two current defined [vterm , inferior ]. By default, the terminal. |
Below is listed the various commands provided by the package.
Command | Description |
cern-root-run |
Start the ROOT REPL in the same window. |
cern-root-run-other-window |
Start the ROOT REPL in a different window. |
cern-root-switch-to-repl |
Move the cursor to the ROOT REPL. |
cern-root-eval-region |
Evaluate a marked region in ROOT. |
cern-root-eval-line |
Evaluate this line in the REPL. |
cern-root-eval-string |
(non-interactive function) Evaluate a string in the REPL. |
cern-root-eval-defun |
Evaluate the current function in ROOT (current as defined by cursor position). |
cern-root-eval-defun-maybe |
If the cursor is within a function declaration, then evaluate this function, else we'll evaluate this single line. |
cern-root-eval-buffer |
Evaluate the current buffer in ROOT. |
cern-root-eval-file |
Evaluate a file (using the '.L' syntax), prompt for a file. |
cern-root-change-working-directory |
Change the working directory of the root session, prompt for a directory. |
cern-root-list-input-history |
List the previously input statements and for selection. |
CERN-ROOT-mode provides the functionality to execute C++ source code blocks using the ROOT REPL instead of the default C++ executable. This can make the process of writing C++ in org-mode more fluid.
To write C++ code blocks that then are executed using ROOT, specify
as the language in the begin_src
header. For example:
#+begin_src cern-root
// write your code here.
Upon executing this code block (such as with C-c C-c
), this code
will be executed in the ROOT REPL instead.
Code can be written and re-used over multiple code blocks with the use
of the :session
argument (with an optional name). By providing this
argument, a ROOT REPL instance will be created that can be used within
the context of many source blocks. For example, let's create another
code block with this session argument:
#+begin_src cern-root :session *my-root-session*
void test() {
// print something
printf("This is something");
When we first run this code block, CERN-ROOT-mode will create a new
instance of the ROOT REPL in the buffer named 'my-root-session' (you
can switch to this buffer if you want to interact directly outside of
the code blocks!). This means that, by specifying the same argument to
a different code block, we can call this test
#+begin_src cern-root :session *my-root-session*
test(); // call the test function
This gets us a long way to achieving the same functionality as root --notebook
, but in Emacs.
To test the functionality of the package, some unit tests have been
stored in the tests/
directory. To run these unit tests, you can
either evaluate the specific buffer in Emacs and run ert
for more information), or you can them all from the command line
using the Makefile:
make test
- inferior-cling: This package hasn't been updated in quite a while, and is light on functionality. CERN-ROOT-mode attempts to go beyond this to make the process of interacting with the REPL more seamless. There are also other ongoing issues such as duplicated input ( in dumb terminals (root-project/cling#99) which have yet to be merged in cling. CERN-ROOT-mode solves these problems while we're waiting for the pull-request to be accepted. CERN-ROOT-mode also aims to support org-babel to allow one to execute C++ source code blocks from within an org-mode document.