It is an android application for booking an empty spot in the college parking lot to save time and effort. Rather than manually checking the entire parking lot for empty spaces, this application lets you see the entire parking lot and the spaces that have been booked and those that haven’t. It lets you see the exact number of booked and open spaces.
A person can confirm his/her parking space by entering their SAP ID which is unique to everyone, and then clicking on the spot they want to reserve. Once they do this, their SAP ID along with the ID of the spot is fed into the database. This lets people reserve the parking spot for just their SAP ID, and ultimately for themselves, and no one can else can access it for the time being.
After their college hours are done, students or faculty members (consider only student for this project) can cancel their reservation by clicking on their SAP ID from the view list which deletes it from the database.
This project is made using Android Studio and SQLite database.