This is assignment 6 of Deep Learning, a course at Institute of Data Science, National Cheng Kung University. This project demonstrates the work of participating Find Mosquito Breeding Sources: Object Detection of Water Containers, a competition on AIdea with the team name jayliao. We utilized techniques of computer vision and image processing to detect 13 categories of water containers in images. Approach such as resizing, normalization, and non-maximum suppression were used to augment data. We adopted the structure of the single shot detector to detect targeted objects. Experiment showed that we achieve an acceptable performance (i.e., mAP: 0.4882
on the local testing set and 0.4542
on the submitted testing set) and indicated that stochastic gradient descent (SGD) was more appropriate than Adaptive Moment Estimation (Adam) to be the optimizer here.
: the main program for training and
: the main program for
defines the argument
defines the
defines the
defines the class of training dataset with the torch.nn
: tools for data loading
Please go to the page of the competition on the AIdea here to download the following data.
contains 2,671 training images with the format of JPG../test_cdc/test_images/
contains 2,248 testing images with the format of JPG../train_cdc/train_annotations/
: XML files of annotations for images under./train_cdc/train_images/
with the format of PASCAL VOC. An XML file containsfilename
, andobject
of a single image. Each object has thename
and (xmin
) and (xmax
) for the bounding box.
Please run
with python3
command to obtain the following files:
After running
, the following files would be put under ./data_tables/
- To train a new model
The device can be set by using -d
. The no. of epochs can be set as -e
. For more details about arguments, please go to
python3 -d 'cuda:1' -e 1000
- To train from a checkpoint
python3 -d 'cuda:1' -dt '09-11-39-53__bs=8_epochs=500/' -cp 'checkpoint_ssd300.pth.tar' -e 500
- The outputs (checkpoints, training plots, predition output file, and annotated images) would be put under the subfolder with name of the time when the training started under
- To get the prediction csv file
The hyper-parameter min_score
used in the prediction can be adjusted with -ms
python3 -d 'cuda' -dt '08-23-02-56__bs=8_epochs=2000/' -cp 'checkpoint_ssd300.pth.tar' -ms .01
- To get several annotated images (images from
python3 -d 'cuda' -dt '08-23-02-56__bs=8_epochs=2000/' -cp 'checkpoint_ssd300.pth.tar' -detect
- Erhan, D., Szegedy, C., Toshev, A., & Anguelov, D. (2014). Scalable object detection using deep neural networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern recognition (pp. 2147-2154).