API round for workindia
Clone this repo on your desktop
Open command line/terminal in your machine
Run the command
python app.py
Open a browser(Chrome, firefox etc)
Go to "http://localhost:5000"
To sign up as an agent go to "http://localhost:5000/app/agent"
To authenticate and login go to "http://localhost:5000/app/agent/auth"
To create a todo go to "http://localhost:5000/app/agent/sites?agent_id="
To see the list of your todos go to "http://localhost:5000/app/sites/list?agent_id = "
Please note that the app is connected to a local MySQL database, just change the details in the db.yaml file and connect the app to your local mysql database with the following tables already created.
create table users(id int NOT NULL auto_increment, agent_id varchar(20) unique, password varchar(500), primary key (id));
create table notes(id int not null auto_increment, agent_id varchar(20), title varchar(100), description varchar(1000), category varchar(50), due_date date, primary key(id))