Polyfill for extending the Javascript Set class in order to support properties and operations from basic set theory.
Please read this first, to a get a better understanding, whether this package suits your needs.
Focus of this package is to provide a Set implementation, which can be used in context of axiomatic set theory.
Set's class Methods are primarily designed to
- run with any values, but also values as Sets (of Sets, arbitrary depth)
- work with arbitrary (but finite) numbers of sets (depending on operation, see documentation)
- conform with their respective properties (Associative, Commutative etc.)
- don't mutate any of the given but return a new Set as result
Set's prototype Methods are in contrast designed to work as a binary operation on the current instance but they also won't mutate any of the involved Sets.
Some algorithms may grow exponentially with a raising number of sets to be processes. Please, see the documentation notes on the respective methods.
This package builds upon the Set
implementation, instead of providing an own.
Some suggest it's bad design to extend core implementations.
However, the core functionality of Set
is stable and proven and this
package tries to be minimally invasive on the Set
Please, leave an issue, in case this extension breaks your setup by whatever unexpected or undefined behaviour.
Currently, this package only supports finite sets. A future implementation could include generators to support infinite sets and function-based operations with infinite sets. Ideas.concepts and contributions are very welcomed.
Install this package as usual:
$ npm install --save set-extensions
Import this package in your startup code.
The package automatically extends the global Set
import 'set-extensions'
You can verify the presence of this polyfill by checking for the __isExtended__
Set.__isExtended__ // true if this package is installed
There is a markdown version and a html version of the API documentation. If you think this documentation can be improved, please leave a pull request or open an issue.
Add the description about testing in the README:
You can run the tests like the following:
$ cd js-set-extension/package
$ npm install
To run tests in watch mode use
$ npm run test-watch
or for a single run use
$ npm run test
The tests are written in mocha but it should not be that hard to get into it as it is written very intuitive.
Please note, that the tests are very strict about code style and you can check for code style related errors using
npm run lint
You should fix these lint errors, since the CI server will reject to run any tests when the linter as thrown an error.
You can also run lint and tests all in one process using
npm run lint-test
The scripts to run these commands are also in the package.json file: