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Tutorial ‐ Unsupervised training

Jan Nils Ferner edited this page Dec 4, 2016 · 2 revisions


You have to implement a few methods when subclassing IBody.

// Return the number of inputs the network should have.
GetInputCount() -> std::size_t
// Return the number of outputs the network should have.
GetOutputCount() -> std::size_t
// Return the target fitness you want to reach.
GetMaximumFitness() -> Type::fitness_t 
// Return the current fitness of your model
GetFitness() -> Type::fitness_t
// Return a vector of floats representing the inputs.
// Gets called each time the `Update` method gets called.
ProvideNetworkWithInputs() -> Type::neuron_values_t
// Evaluate the outputs of the network and update your fitness.
Update(Type::neuron_values_t& networkOutputs) -> void
// Return false if you need more iterations in this generation (I.e. should the Update method get called once more)
HasFinishedTask() -> bool
// Reset your fitness and other things you might have stored for the current training iteration.
Reset() -> void
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