A crowd-sourced dataset of 4800 Halloween costumes
This dataset was collected via google form survey between Oct 4 and Oct 24, 2017. Entries have been slightly cleaned up to remove those that clearly weren't costumes, or obvious repeated spamming of the same costume. Duplicates have not been removed, nor has capitalization been regularized.
Read my post about the results, and the neural network I trained on them, here: http://aiweirdness.com/post/166814009412/a-neural-network-designs-halloween-costumes
Original form (still active for now; may post an updated larger dataset later if I get enough entries): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeZDZVL9r_0JbVsN4xVpv3IG5zHHorkFyqYX1yRXvLs-MiaQA/viewform
Prompt: Tell the neural network about Halloween costumes I train neural networks to write humor by giving them datasets that they have to mimic. You can check out my work at lewisandquark.tumblr.com It's hard to come up with ideas for Halloween costumes, especially when it seems like all the good ones are taken. And don't you hate showing up at a party only to discover that there's another pajama cardinalfish?
A helpful neural network, which came up with a My Little Pony called Blue Cuss, a metal band called Chaosrug, and a craft beer called Yamquak, could save the day.
But first, we need to tell it what human Halloween costumes are like. This is where you come in. List all the Halloween costumes you've ever had - or seen - or wanted - or imposed upon an indifferent cat. To make my dataset cleaner, you can only enter one costume at a time, but you can fill out the form as many times as you like.