This is a small project to demonstrate bidirectional communication between a microcontroller and a browser through a public MQTT broker.
One of the two clients is an ESP32. Alongside it, the breadboard has a temperature and humidity sensor and an RGB led strip.
- The sensor readings are published by the μC into a topic.
- The LED color is set from a topic the μC is subscribed to.
The other client (or clients) is a browser. On the website, there is a section with the values of temperature and humidity and a color picker.
- The sensor readings are obtained from a topic the browser is subscribed to.
- The color from the color picker is published into a topic.
- NodeMCU-32S Microcontroller
- AHT10 Temperature and humidity sensor
- WS2812B Addressable led strip
ESP32 GPIO21 --- AHT10 SDA
ESP32 GPIO22 --- AHT10 SCL
A live version of the web client is live at
To run it locally:
- Clone this repo
git clone
- Change directory
cd esp32-mqtt-demo/browser/
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run as development
npm start
Since the broker uses different ports to connect over HTTP and HTTPS, the broker URL is dependent on the environment. If you wish to change them, they are located inside