CRM Marketing Relationship Management microservices is the Service & API Design Models implementation based on the RESTful API Design Model and using Java Service Design Model with Spring Boot (Graddle).
- Have installed Java 8 or higher on the computer or laptop:
Clone the project by running the command in a folder of your choice: git clone
Enter the directory where the project was cloned and open a command propt with Git Bash: Note: ** If you don't have git installed, use this link to install: ** Git tutorial at
Run the command in the /cta project with the command: ./gradlew bootJar
Run the project with the command: cd build/libs/ java -jar cta-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Open Postman and import the cta.postman_collection.json collection file: Postman -> File -> Import -> Select folder or Upload the file -> Confirm import.
Run the collection cta -> Run Collection Runner -> Run cta.
Open the url in the browser: http://localhost:8080/h2
Update de JDBC URL with: jdbc:h2:mem:cta
Click in Test Connection button to appear "Test successful" message in the screen and finally click in the "Connect".