Uppy JavaScript uploader integrated with the Portfolio REST API's default File Upload operation ( defaultUpload
- Extensis Portfolio version 3.6.3 ( or greater ) licensed for the Portfolio API with Mobile Uploading enabled.
- Web Server ( e.g. Microsoft IIS , Apache , etc. ) with direct connectivity to the Extensis Portfolio instance.
- Extensis Portfolio version 3.6.3 ( or greater ) NetPublish Website published via the "Mobile Uploads" Catalog's "All Assets" Gallery.
- Via the Portfolio Administration ( :8091 ) Web interface , verify the current version of your Portfolio instance and that the Portfolio API module has been activated.
- Although the provided example may work with earlier Portfolio versions , Portfolio version 3.6.3 ( or greater ) is recommended.
- Via the Portfolio Administration ( :8091 ) Web interface , select "Global Settings" > "Mobile" and verify that "Enable Mobile Uploading" has been selected and that "Save mobile uploads to this folder" has been configured for a location with ample drive space.
- Via the Portfolio Administration ( :8091 ) Web interface , select "Catalogs" and verify that the "Mobile Uploads" Catalog is listed.
- Note that it is not necessary for indivudal Users to specifically be granted membership to the "Mobile Uploads" Catalog as Uploading via defaultUpload is permitted to all existing Users regardless of Catalog membership.
- Via the Portfolio Administration ( :8091 ) Web interface , select "Users" and either take note of an existing API Token or create a new API Token.
- Using the Extensis Portfolio Flow app ( Android / iOS ) , verify that files are uploading properly to the target Portfolio instance's "Mobile Uploads" Catalog.
- Using the Portfolio Web Client , select the "Mobile Uploads" Catalog > "All Assets" Gallery and then Publish a NetPublish Website.
- Recommended NetPublish Site Builder choices :
- Security > "No Login Required" selected.
- Details > Set Metadata Fields > "Filename" , "IPTC - Title" , "IPTC - Instructions" , "IPTC - Event" , "Keywords" , and "Description" selected.
- Recommended NetPublish Site Builder choices :
- Copy the
, andfavicon.ico
files over to an appropriate sub-folder ( typicaly located directly beneath the Web Server's document "root" path ).
- The HTML and CSS files should be viewed , edited , and maintained using a standard programmer's text editor :
- Windows 👉 Notepad++ ( https://notepad-plus-plus.org ).
- Macintosh 👉 Atom ( https://atom.io/ ).
: verify that thePORTFOLIO_SERVER
( e.g.https://portfolio.example.com:9443
( e.g.TOKEN-1abc2def-...
) global variables are properly defined.
: verify that theRESULTS_NETPUBLISH
global variable value matches the Mobile Uploads NetPublish Website URL ( e.g.https://portfolio.example.com:8095/mobile_uploads
).- Note that this will allow uploaders to view their transfers ( post-upload ).
: verify that the various CSS color value selections align with approved corporate branding standards and modify if necessary.favicon.ico
: verify that the included favicon aligns with approved corporate branding standards and replace if necessary.