An enhanced version of the default shadcn-button component.
Expands the default component by adding new beautiful button styles and features with minimal code, so you no longer have to create and manage multiple button components for your projects.
Demo • Preview • Requisites • Installation • Usage
shadcn-ui and shadcn-ui button component must be installed in your project.
All it takes is two copy & paste and you're ready to go.
1. Copy the button.tsx
component below and replace it with your existing one in src/components/ui/button.tsx
2. Copy the lines from tailwind.config.ts
to your existing file.
import * as React from 'react';
import { Slot, Slottable } from '@radix-ui/react-slot';
import { cva, type VariantProps } from 'class-variance-authority';
import { cn } from '@/lib/utils';
const buttonVariants = cva(
'inline-flex items-center justify-center gap-2 whitespace-nowrap rounded-md text-sm font-medium ring-offset-background transition-colors focus-visible:outline-none focus-visible:ring-2 focus-visible:ring-ring focus-visible:ring-offset-2 disabled:pointer-events-none disabled:opacity-50 [&_svg]:pointer-events-none [&_svg]:size-4 [&_svg]:shrink-0',
variants: {
variant: {
default: 'bg-primary text-primary-foreground hover:bg-primary/90',
destructive: 'bg-destructive text-destructive-foreground hover:bg-destructive/90',
outline: 'border border-input bg-background hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground',
secondary: 'bg-secondary text-secondary-foreground hover:bg-secondary/80',
ghost: 'hover:bg-accent hover:text-accent-foreground',
link: 'text-primary underline-offset-4 hover:underline',
effect: {
expandIcon: 'group gap-0 relative',
ringHover: 'transition-all duration-300 hover:ring-2 hover:ring-primary/90 hover:ring-offset-2',
'before:animate-shine relative overflow-hidden before:absolute before:inset-0 before:rounded-[inherit] before:bg-[linear-gradient(45deg,transparent_25%,rgba(255,255,255,0.5)_50%,transparent_75%,transparent_100%)] before:bg-[length:250%_250%,100%_100%] before:bg-no-repeat background-position_0s_ease',
'relative overflow-hidden before:absolute before:inset-0 before:rounded-[inherit] before:bg-[linear-gradient(45deg,transparent_25%,rgba(255,255,255,0.5)_50%,transparent_75%,transparent_100%)] before:bg-[length:250%_250%,100%_100%] before:bg-[position:200%_0,0_0] before:bg-no-repeat before:transition-[background-position_0s_ease] hover:before:bg-[position:-100%_0,0_0] before:duration-1000',
'relative z-0 overflow-hidden transition-all duration-500 before:absolute before:inset-0 before:-z-10 before:translate-x-[150%] before:translate-y-[150%] before:scale-[2.5] before:rounded-[100%] before:bg-gradient-to-r from-white/40 before:transition-transform before:duration-1000 hover:before:translate-x-[0%] hover:before:translate-y-[0%]',
'relative z-0 overflow-hidden transition-all duration-500 after:absolute after:inset-0 after:-z-10 after:translate-x-[-150%] after:translate-y-[150%] after:scale-[2.5] after:rounded-[100%] after:bg-gradient-to-l from-white/40 after:transition-transform after:duration-1000 hover:after:translate-x-[0%] hover:after:translate-y-[0%]',
'relative !no-underline after:absolute after:bg-primary after:bottom-2 after:h-[1px] after:w-2/3 after:origin-bottom-left after:scale-x-100 hover:after:origin-bottom-right hover:after:scale-x-0 after:transition-transform after:ease-in-out after:duration-300',
'relative !no-underline after:absolute after:bg-primary after:bottom-2 after:h-[1px] after:w-2/3 after:origin-bottom-right after:scale-x-0 hover:after:origin-bottom-left hover:after:scale-x-100 after:transition-transform after:ease-in-out after:duration-300',
size: {
default: 'h-10 px-4 py-2',
sm: 'h-9 rounded-md px-3',
lg: 'h-11 rounded-md px-8',
icon: 'h-10 w-10',
defaultVariants: {
variant: 'default',
size: 'default',
interface IconProps {
icon: React.ElementType;
iconPlacement: 'left' | 'right';
interface IconRefProps {
icon?: never;
iconPlacement?: undefined;
export interface ButtonProps extends React.ButtonHTMLAttributes<HTMLButtonElement>, VariantProps<typeof buttonVariants> {
asChild?: boolean;
export type ButtonIconProps = IconProps | IconRefProps;
const Button = React.forwardRef<HTMLButtonElement, ButtonProps & ButtonIconProps>(
({ className, variant, effect, size, icon: Icon, iconPlacement, asChild = false, ...props }, ref) => {
const Comp = asChild ? Slot : 'button';
return (
<Comp className={cn(buttonVariants({ variant, effect, size, className }))} ref={ref} {...props}>
{Icon &&
iconPlacement === 'left' &&
(effect === 'expandIcon' ? (
<div className="w-0 translate-x-[0%] pr-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-200 group-hover:w-5 group-hover:translate-x-100 group-hover:pr-2 group-hover:opacity-100">
<Icon />
) : (
<Icon />
{Icon &&
iconPlacement === 'right' &&
(effect === 'expandIcon' ? (
<div className="w-0 translate-x-[100%] pl-0 opacity-0 transition-all duration-200 group-hover:w-5 group-hover:translate-x-0 group-hover:pl-2 group-hover:opacity-100">
<Icon />
) : (
<Icon />
Button.displayName = 'Button';
export { Button, buttonVariants };
const config = {
extend: {
keyframes: {
+ shine: {
+ '0%': { backgroundPosition: '200% 0' },
+ '25%': { backgroundPosition: '-200% 0' },
+ '100%': { backgroundPosition: '-200% 0' },
+ },
animation: {
+ shine: 'shine 3s ease-out infinite',
Example usage:
import { Button } from './ui/button';
<Button effect="expandIcon" icon={ArrowRightIcon} iconPlacement="right">
Icon right
import { Button } from './ui/button';
<Button effect="gooeyRight">Gooey right</Button>;
Mix with other variants:
import { Button } from './ui/button';
<Button variant="outline" effect="shineHover">
Outline with shine hover
Check out the demo to see all the different styles.