Tracing middleware for FeedHenry Cloud applications. Uses node-tryfer for implementation of the data format for traces.
The example below demonstrates a few things:
- Adding the tracing middleware via app.use, with a tracer that will write our request events to an FHTracing mBaaS Service.
- IncomingRequest (req) has a tracing property added, that is an instance of FHTrace.
- req.trace exposes a createSpan function that returns an FHSpan instance.
- The FHSpan instance is used to time request operations using start and end functions.
- That using the middleware is optional via /delayed-ping
In the example below, we generate a Trace that would show us how long it takes to validate a user's session for each request received. It will also tell us how long each opertaion within /users-with-metadata takes at an individual level meaning we can identify where time is being spent in our routes.
var express = require('express')
, app = express()
, users = require('lib/model/users')
, session = require('lib/model/sessions')
, meta = require('lib/model/sessions')
, async = require('async')
, tracing = require('fh-tracing')
, tracingServiceGuid = 'hsydUvjH1KwaCSBUldQVnG73'
// Add our tracing middleware
tracers: [
new tracing.FHServiceTracer({
serviceId: tracingServiceGuid
// Example session handling middleware
app.use(function vaildateSession (req, res, next) {
var sessionSpan = req.trace.createSpan('validate-session');
session.validate(req, function (err, valid) {
if (err) {
} else {
// Route that responds with ok sometime within two seconds of being called
// Even though we don't directly use the middleware, it will still track how
// long this request has taken!
app.get('/delayed-ping', function () {
setTimeout(function () {
}, (Math.random() * 2000))
// A more comple route with multiple operations we can track
app.get('/users-with-metadata', function (req, res, next) {
var getUsersSpan = req.trace.createSpan('get-users');
users.getAllUsers(function onUsersLoaded (err, users) {
if (err) {
} else {
var getMetaSpan = req.trace.createSpan('get-meta');
function onUserMetaLoaded (err, usersWithMeta) {
if (err) {
} else {
Initialises the middleware. Params is a required Object that should contain the following:
- tracers - An Array of "tracers". Tracers are used to record the "traces" and "spans" that track the lifespan of a request.
A standard Node.js event emitter that can be used to observe the events listed below.
Exposes the events that the library can emit. The list is an Object with values:
- SERVER_RECEIVE - 'server-receive'
- SERVER_SEND - 'server-send'
- SEND_TRACE_SUCCESS - 'send-trace-success'
- SEND_TRACE_FAILED - 'send-trace-failed'
- SPAN_CREATED - 'span-created'
This is a "tracer" that is used to record spans that are used to track the lifecycle of a request. These spans are stored in the Mongo Database of an mBaaS service specified in params. The mBaaS Service must be created using the FHTracerService template.