Learning Heterogeneous Agent Collaboration in Decentralized Multi-Agent Systems via Intrinsic Motivation
Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) is emerging as a key framework for various sequential decision-making and control tasks. Unlike their single-agent counterparts, multi-agent systems necessitate successful cooperation among the agents. The real-world deployment of these systems requires decentralized training and execution (DTE), diverse agents, and learning from infrequent environmental rewards. These challenges become more pronounced under partial observability and the lack of prior knowledge about agent heterogeneity. While notable studies use intrinsic motivation (IM) to address reward sparsity or cooperation in decentralized execution settings, those dealing with heterogeneity typically assume centralized training for decentralized execution (CTDE). To overcome these limitations, we propose the CoHet algorithm, which utilizes a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) based intrinsic motivation to facilitate the learning of heterogeneous agent policies in fully decentralized settings, under the challenges of partial observability and reward sparsity. Evaluation of CoHet in the Multi-agent Particle Environment (MPE) and Vectorized Multi-Agent Simulator (VMAS) benchmarks demonstrates superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art in a range of cooperative multi-agent scenarios. Our research is supplemented by an analysis of the impact of the agent dynamics model on the intrinsic motivation module, insights into the performance of different CoHet variants, and its robustness to an increasing number of heterogeneous agents.
To install the necessary dependencies, you can use the requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements.txt
Alternatively, you can set up the environment using the environment.yml
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate cohet-env
The project relies on the following packages -- The packages installed via conda:
- abseil-cpp
- bzip2
- c-ares
- ca-certificates
- grpc-cpp
- grpcio
- libcxx
- libffi
- libprotobuf
- ncurses
- openssl
- pip
- python
- re2
- readline
- setuptools
- six
- sqlite
- tk
- wheel
- xz
- zlib
And the packages installed via pip:
- aiosignal
- amqp
- appdirs
- attrs
- billiard
- celery
- certifi
- charset-normalizer
- click
- click-didyoumean
- click-plugins
- click-repl
- cloudpickle
- contourpy
- cycler
- decorator
- distlib
- dm-tree
- docker-pycreds
- filelock
- fonttools
- frozenlist
- gitdb
- gitpython
- gputil
- gym
- gym-notices
- idna
- imageio
- imageio-ffmpeg
- jinja2
- joblib
- jsonschema
- jsonschema-specifications
- kiwisolver
- kombu
- lazy-loader
- lz4
- markupsafe
- matplotlib
- moviepy
- mpmath
- msgpack
- networkx
- numpy
- packaging
- pandas
- pathtools
- pillow
- platformdirs
- proglog
- prompt-toolkit
- protobuf
- psutil
- pyglet
- pyparsing
- python-dateutil
- pytz
- pywavelets
- pyyaml
- ray
- referencing
- requests
- rpds-py
- scikit-image
- scikit-learn
- scipy
- sentry-sdk
- setproctitle
- smmap
- sympy
- tabulate
- tensorboardx
- threadpoolctl
- tifffile
- torch
- torch-cluster
- torch-geometric
- torch-scatter
- torch-sparse
- torch-spline-conv
- tqdm
- trainutils
- typing-extensions
- tzdata
- urllib3
- vine
- virtualenv
- vmas
- wandb
- wcwidth
Please ensure all the dependencies are installed before running the code.
To run the CoHet algorithm, follow the steps below:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/jahirsadik/CoHet-Implementation.git cd CoHet-Implementation
Set up the environment: Use either
as mentioned in the Installation section. -
Run the training script:
python train/train_navigation.py # to run the training on VMAS-NAVIGATION
Monitor training progress: Training progress can be monitored using Weights & Biases (wandb). Make sure to set up a wandb account and login using:
wandb login
Our evaluations demonstrate that CoHet outperforms state-of-the-art methods in various cooperative multi-agent scenarios.
We welcome contributions to the CoHet project! Please open an issue or submit a pull request if you have any improvements or suggestions.
For any inquiries, please contact Jahir Sadik Monon.
We thank the contributors of the Multi-agent Particle Environment (MPE) and Vectorized Multi-Agent Simulator (VMAS) for providing the benchmarks used in this research.