This is the repository for the method presented in the paper: "ATOSE: Audio Tagging with One-Side Joint Embedding" by J. Lee, D. Moon, J. Kim and M. Cho. Our model is carefully designed and architected to recognize the semantic information within the tag domains. In our experiments using the MagnaTagATune (MTAT) dataset, which has high inter-tag correlations, and the Speech Commands dataset, which has no inter-tag correlations, we showed that our approach improves the performance of existing models when there are strong inter-tag correlations.
- Tag Autoencoder : Module for extracting tag domain features from tags
- Feature Extractor : Module for extracting audio domain features from source data. Our joint embedding technique utilizes feature extractors used in conventional tagging models as a general approach applicable to other models that already exist. For more readable feature extractor, please check this repository
- Projector : Module for mapping features of a audio domain to embedded vectors projected into the tag domain.
- Classifier : Module for classifying features in the extracted music domain into tags using a pre-trained feature extractor in stage 1.
Preparing Dataset
conda env create -n $ENV_NAME -- file environment.yaml
conda activate $ENV_NAME
cd preprocessing/$DATASET
python -u run $DATASET_PATH
python -u run $DATASET_PATH
cd training
# If you want to use the hyperparameter in paper, refer to the contents of ''
'--gpu' # GPU to be used
'--data_path' # Path of datasets
'--dataset' # Types of datasets to learn, choose among 'mtat', 'dcase', and 'keyword'
'--batch_size' # batch size
'--isTest' # Check if the model is working
'--encoder_type # Types of feature extractor, choose among 'HC'(HarmonicCNN), 'MS'(TagSincNet), and 'SC' (SampleCNN)
'--block' # Block types of SampleCNN, choose among 'basic', 'se', 'res', and 'rese'
'--latent' # Dimensions of latent vectors to be joint embedded
'--withJE' # Options for deciding to apply joint embedding
I follow PEP-8 for code style. Especially the style of docstrings is important to generate documentation.
- Jaehwan Lee @jaehwlee
- Contacts: